Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Third Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

SS3 Fine Arts questions with options and answers:


Question: The ancient Egyptian method of art that utilized a grid system for proportion and symmetry is known as:


A) Hieroglyphics

B) Fresco

C) Linear Perspective

D) Canon of Proportions

Answer: D) Canon of Proportions

Question: The term “plein air” refers to:


A) Outdoor painting

B) Still life painting

C) Abstract sculpture

D) Surrealist photography

Answer: A) Outdoor painting

Question: Who is considered the pioneer of the “Ready-made” art movement, creating art from everyday objects?


A) Marcel Duchamp

B) Rene Magritte

C) Max Ernst

D) Man Ray

Answer: A) Marcel Duchamp

Question: The art movement that emerged in the 1950s, featuring bold colors, geometric shapes, and often large canvases, is known as:


A) Abstract Expressionism

B) Minimalism

C) Color Field Painting

D) Pop Art

Answer: C) Color Field Painting

Question: The term “Hue” in color theory refers to:


A) Brightness of a color

B) The purity of a color

C) The name of a color

D) The temperature of a color

Answer: C) The name of a color

Question: The Japanese art form of woodblock printing is called:


A) Sumi-e

B) Ukiyo-e

C) Ikebana

D) Origami

Answer: B) Ukiyo-e

Question: The surrealist artist known for his melting clocks in “The Persistence of Memory” is:


A) Salvador Dalí

B) René Magritte

C) Max Ernst

D) Joan Miró

Answer: A) Salvador Dalí

Question: The “Stijl” movement, characterized by geometric shapes and primary colors, was founded by:


A) Piet Mondrian

B) Kazimir Malevich

C) Wassily Kandinsky

D) Fernand Léger

Answer: A) Piet Mondrian

Question: Who is known for his large-scale installations featuring umbrellas and gates, often placed in natural landscapes?


A) Christo and Jeanne-Claude

B) Damien Hirst

C) Jeff Koons

D) Anish Kapoor

Answer: A) Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Question: The art movement that emerged in the early 20th century, rejecting traditional artistic values and embracing irrationality, is:


A) Surrealism

B) Dadaism

C) Expressionism

D) Fauvism

Answer: B) Dadaism

Question: The artist known for his “Blue Period” and “Rose Period” paintings is:


A) Pablo Picasso

B) Vincent van Gogh

C) Henri Matisse

D) Claude Monet

Answer: A) Pablo Picasso

Question: The architectural style that emerged in the 20th century, characterized by sleek lines, glass, and open spaces, is known as:


A) Gothic Revival

B) Art Deco

C) Modernism

D) Postmodernism

Answer: C) Modernism

Question: The painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” showcasing African and Iberian influences, is a notable work by:


A) Henri Matisse

B) Pablo Picasso

C) Georges Braque

D) Juan Gris

Answer: B) Pablo Picasso

Question: The artist known for his use of geometric shapes and the concept of “Suprematism” is:


A) Wassily Kandinsky

B) Kazimir Malevich

C) Piet Mondrian

D) Theo van Doesburg

Answer: B) Kazimir Malevich

Question: The Renaissance sculptor of the famous statue of David and the Pieta is:


A) Donatello

B) Leonardo da Vinci

C) Michelangelo

D) Raphael

Answer: C) Michelangelo

Question: The term “Impasto” refers to a painting technique involving:


A) Thin layers of paint

B) Smooth and even brushstrokes

C) Thick and textured layers of paint

D) Watercolor washes

Answer: C) Thick and textured layers of paint

Question: The American artist known for his depictions of Campbell’s soup cans and Marilyn Monroe is:


A) Andy Warhol

B) Roy Lichtenstein

C) Jasper Johns

D) Robert Rauschenberg

Answer: A) Andy Warhol

Question: The art movement that emerged in the 1960s, featuring everyday objects as art, is known as:


A) Conceptual Art

B) Pop Art

C) Op Art

D) Land Art

Answer: B) Pop Art

Question: The architectural style characterized by ornate details, pointed arches, and flying buttresses is:


A) Gothic Revival

B) Romanesque

C) Baroque

D) Neoclassicism

Answer: A) Gothic Revival

Question: The Italian artist known for his “School of Athens” and

frescoes in the Vatican is:


A) Giotto di Bondone

B) Leonardo da Vinci

C) Raphael

D) Donatello

Answer: C) Raphael

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