Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Second Term Auto Mechanic Past Questions and Answers (Objective and Theory)

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SS3 Second Term Auto Mechanic Past Questions and Answers (Objective and Theory)


Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (Second Term)


Question: What is the purpose of the radiator in a vehicle’s cooling system?


A) Battery cooling

B) Engine lubrication

C) Transmission control

D) Engine coolant circulation

Answer: D) Engine coolant circulation


Question: Which part of the suspension system is responsible for absorbing shocks and bumps?


A) Coil spring

B) Shock absorber

C) Control arm

D) Sway bar

Answer: B) Shock absorber


Question: What does OBD-II stand for in the context of automotive diagnostics?


A) Onboard Diagnostics II

B) Oil and Brake Diagnostic

C) Oxygen and Brake Distribution

D) Onboard Brake Disruption

Answer: A) Onboard Diagnostics II


Question: In a braking system, what is the purpose of the master cylinder?


A) Brake fluid storage

B) Brake pedal force amplification

C) Brake pad engagement

D) Brake rotor cooling

Answer: B) Brake pedal force amplification


Question: What is the function of a turbocharger in an internal combustion engine?


A) Exhaust noise reduction

B) Improved fuel efficiency

C) Increased air intake for combustion

D) Enhanced brake performance

Answer: C) Increased air intake for combustion


Section B: Theory Questions (Second Term)


Question: Explain the concept of ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System) and how it enhances vehicle safety.


Answer: ABS prevents wheel lock-up during braking, maintaining steering control. This enhances safety by allowing the driver to steer while braking, reducing the risk of skidding.


Question: Discuss the importance of wheel alignment in vehicle maintenance.


Answer: Proper wheel alignment ensures even tire wear, optimal handling, and improved fuel efficiency. It also contributes to vehicle stability and overall safety.


Question: Describe the role of a catalytic converter in reducing vehicle emissions and its impact on the environment.


Answer: A catalytic converter converts harmful gases into less harmful substances, reducing air pollution and minimizing the environmental impact of vehicle emissions.


Question: Differentiate between drum brakes and disc brakes, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.


Answer: Drum brakes are cost-effective but less efficient in heat dissipation, while disc brakes offer better cooling and performance but can be more expensive to maintain.


Question: Explain the purpose of the transmission fluid in an automatic transmission system.


Answer: Transmission fluid lubricates, cools, and cleans the components of an automatic transmission, ensuring smooth operation and prolonging the lifespan of the transmission system.

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