Past Questions and Answers

Jss3 Third Term Social Studies Past Questions And Answers

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Jss3 Third term social studies past questions and answers

Question: Which ancient wonder of the world was located in Alexandria, Egypt, and was a towering lighthouse?

A) Hanging Gardens of Babylon

B) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

C) Colossus of Rhodes

D) Pharos of Alexandria

Answer: D) Pharos of Alexandria

Question: Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics” and formulated the theory of relativity?


A) Isaac Newton

B) Galileo Galilei

C) Albert Einstein

D) Marie Curie

Answer: C) Albert Einstein

Question: In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?


A) United Kingdom

B) Germany

C) United States

D) France

Answer: A) United Kingdom

Question: Which ocean is the largest on Earth?


A) Indian Ocean

B) Atlantic Ocean

C) Pacific Ocean

D) Southern Ocean

Answer: C) Pacific Ocean

Question: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields?


A) Rosalind Franklin

B) Marie Curie

C) Barbara McClintock

D) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Answer: B) Marie Curie

Question: Which document, signed in 1215, is considered a foundational piece in the development of constitutional government?


A) Magna Carta

B) Hammurabi’s Code

C) The Constitution of the United States

D) The Bill of Rights

Answer: A) Magna Carta

Question: What is the official language of Argentina?


A) Spanish

B) Portuguese

C) Italian

D) French

Answer: A) Spanish

Question: Which river is associated with the ancient Mesopotamian civilization?


A) Tigris River

B) Euphrates River

C) Nile River

D) Indus River

Answer: B) Euphrates River

Question: Who was the leader of the Indian independence movement and is often referred to as “Mahatma”?


A) Jawaharlal Nehru

B) Sardar Patel

C) Subhas Chandra Bose

D) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: D) Mahatma Gandhi

Question: Which ocean is to the east of Africa?


A) Atlantic Ocean

B) Indian Ocean

C) Pacific Ocean

D) Southern Ocean

Answer: A) Indian Ocean

Question: In which year did the Cold War officially end with the fall of the Berlin Wall?


A) 1985

B) 1989

C) 1991

D) 1995

Answer: B) 1989

Question: What is the capital of South Korea?


A) Tokyo

B) Beijing

C) Seoul

D) Hanoi

Answer: C) Seoul

Question: Who is known as the “Lady with the Lamp” and made significant contributions to modern nursing during the Crimean War?


A) Clara Barton

B) Florence Nightingale

C) Mary Seacole

D) Dorothea Dix

Answer: B) Florence Nightingale

Question: Which country is the largest by land area in South America?


A) Brazil

B) Argentina

C) Colombia

D) Peru

Answer: A) Brazil

Question: What is the currency of Russia?


A) Ruble

B) Euro

C) Hryvnia

D) Tenge

Answer: A) Ruble

Question: Which mountain range separates the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia?


A) Himalayas

B) Andes Mountains

C) Alps

D) Rocky Mountains

Answer: A) Himalayas

Question: Who was the first emperor of ancient China, known for unifying the country and building the Great Wall?


A) Qin Shi Huang

B) Han Wudi

C) Confucius

D) Emperor Wu

Answer: A) Qin Shi Huang

Question: What is the official language of Mexico?


A) Spanish

B) Portuguese

C) Italian

D) French

Answer: A) Spanish

Question: Which ancient civilization is credited with the invention of the wheel?


A) Sumerians

B) Egyptians

C) Greeks

D) Romans

Answer: A) Sumerians

Question: Who was the famous African-American civil rights leader who advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience?


A) Malcolm X

B) Rosa Parks

C) Martin Luther King Jr.

D) W.E.B. Du Bois

Answer: C) Martin Luther King Jr.

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