Past Questions and Answers

SS1 Second Term Creative Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 Second Term Creative Arts Past Questions And Answers

Question: Who is the renowned author of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?


A) Charles Dickens

B) Oscar Wilde

C) Jane Austen

D) Emily Brontë

Answer: B) Oscar Wilde

22. Question: What is the term for a poem of 14 lines, typically in iambic pentameter?


A) Haiku

B) Limerick

C) Sonnet

D) Epic

Answer: C) Sonnet

23. Question: Which art movement embraced everyday objects as art, challenging traditional concepts?


A) Dadaism

B) Cubism

C) Fauvism

D) Abstract Expressionism

Answer: A) Dadaism

24. Question: In theater, what is the term for a brief spoken remark by a character addressed to the audience?


A) Monologue

B) Soliloquy

C) Aside

D) Dialogue

Answer: C) Aside

25. Question: Who painted “The Birth of Venus,” depicting the goddess emerging from the sea?


A) Sandro Botticelli

B) Titian

C) Raphael

D) Caravaggio

Answer: A) Sandro Botticelli

26. Question: What musical term refers to the speed at which a piece of music is played?


A) Harmony

B) Tempo

C) Crescendo

D) Melody

Answer: B) Tempo

27. Question: Which African American artist is known for her vibrant and colorful abstract paintings?


A) Faith Ringgold

B) Jacob Lawrence

C) Alma Thomas

D) Romare Bearden

Answer: C) Alma Thomas

28. Question: What is the traditional Japanese tea ceremony influenced by?


A) Zen Buddhism

B) Shintoism

C) Confucianism

D) Taoism

Answer: A) Zen Buddhism

29. Question: Who wrote the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”?


A) George Bernard Shaw

B) Samuel Beckett

C) Oscar Wilde

D) William Butler Yeats

Answer: C) Oscar Wilde

30. Question: Which artist is associated with the “drip painting” technique in abstract expressionism?


A) Mark Rothko

B) Jackson Pollock

C) Willem de Kooning

D) Joan Mitchell

Answer: B) Jackson Pollock

31. Question: In literature, what is the term for a long narrative poem celebrating the deeds of a hero?


A) Epic

B) Sonnet

C) Ode

D) Haiku

Answer: A) Epic

32. Question: What Renaissance artist created the famous statue of David?


A) Leonardo da Vinci

B) Michelangelo

C) Raphael

D) Donatello

Answer: B) Michelangelo

33. Question: Which dance form originated in Brazil and combines elements of martial arts and dance?


A) Samba

B) Tango

C) Capoeira

D) Flamenco

Answer: C) Capoeira

34. Question: Who is often called the “Father of Modern Dance”?


A) Martha Graham

B) Isadora Duncan

C) Alvin Ailey

D) Mikhail Baryshnikov

Answer: B) Isadora Duncan

35. Question: What is the term for a style of theater where the performers use exaggerated gestures and expressions?


A) Realism

B) Expressionism

C) Absurdism

D) Melodrama

Answer: D) Melodrama

36. Question: In music, what does the term “fortissimo” indicate?


A) Slow tempo

B) Soft volume

C) Loud volume

D) Smooth transition

Answer: C) Loud volume

37. Question: Who is known for his concept of “readymades,” ordinary objects presented as art?


A) Marcel Duchamp

B) Wassily Kandinsky

C) Piet Mondrian

D) Kazimir Malevich

Answer: A) Marcel Duchamp

38. Question: Which ancient civilization is known for its intricate pottery decorated with black figures on a red background?


A) Egyptian

B) Greek

C) Roman

D) Mesopotamian

Answer: B) Greek

39. Question: What is the name of the traditional Japanese theater featuring elaborate costumes and stylized drama?


A) Noh

B) Kabuki

C) Bunraku

D) Kyogen

Answer: B) Kabuki

40. Question: Who is considered the father of modern ballet, creating the famous ballet “Swan Lake”



A) Jean-Georges Noverre

B) Marius Petipa

C) August Bournonville

D) George Balanchine

Answer: B) Marius Petipa

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