Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Typewriting Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Typewriting Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Typewriting Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Second Term Recap:

Brief review of key concepts from the second term.

Assessment of individual progress and reinforcement of foundational skills.

Week 1-2: Desktop Publishing Basics


Introduction to desktop publishing principles.

Typing exercises for creating newsletters, brochures, and flyers.

Emphasis on creative document layout and design.

Week 3-4: Multi-lingual Typing


Exploration of multi-lingual typing skills.

Typing exercises involving characters from different languages.

Focus on maintaining accuracy and proper keyboarding techniques.

Week 5-6: Data Entry and Spreadsheet Typing


Basics of data entry and spreadsheet typing.

Typing exercises involving numerical data and formulas.

Introduction to keyboard shortcuts for efficient spreadsheet typing.

Week 7-8: Collaborative Typing and Editing


Techniques for collaborative typing and document editing.

Group projects requiring teamwork in typing and editing documents.

Emphasis on effective communication and coordination.

Week 9-10: Final Project Preparation


Assignment of a final project requiring comprehensive typing skills.

Guidance on project formatting and content.

Individualized support for project development.

Week 11: Revision Week


Thorough revision of third term topics.

Final preparation for the upcoming examination.

Practice sessions to reinforce skills for the final project.

Week 12: Examination Week


Conducting a comprehensive typewriting examination for the third term.

Evaluation of advanced skills in desktop publishing, multi-lingual typing, data entry, and collaboration.

Providing detailed feedback for continuous improvement.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Final review and feedback on third term progress.

Presentation and assessment of the final projects.

Distribution of certificates or acknowledgment of completion for the academic year.

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