Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Office Practice Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 First Term Office Practice Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work: Office Practice – SS1 First Term


Week 1-2: Introduction to Office Practice


Overview of the course

Importance of office practice

Basic office etiquette and communication skills

Week 3-4: Office Equipment and Supplies


Identification and usage of common office equipment

Understanding office supplies and their management

Week 5-6: Records Management


Introduction to record-keeping

Types of records and filing systems

Practical exercises on filing and retrieval

Week 7-8: Communication Skills


Written and verbal communication in the office

Business correspondence and email etiquette

Role-play scenarios for effective communication

Week 9-10: Time Management and Organization


Importance of time management in the office

Planning and prioritizing tasks

Organizing workspace for efficiency

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of key concepts and practical applications

Q&A sessions and group discussions

Week 12: Examination Week


Written and practical assessments

Evaluation of understanding and application of office practice principles

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s learnings

Distribution of results and feedback

Guidance on self-study and improvement areas for the next term

Lesson Note: Office Practice – SS1 First Term


Week 1-2: Introduction to Office Practice


Lecture: Overview of office practice

Activity: Group discussion on the importance of office practice

Assignment: Research on the evolution of office practices

Week 3-4: Office Equipment and Supplies


Lecture: Identification and usage of office equipment

Practical: Demonstration of using common office machines

Assignment: Inventory exercise on office supplies

Week 5-6: Records Management


Lecture: Types of records and filing systems

Practical: Filing and retrieval exercises

Assignment: Create a personal filing system at home

Week 7-8: Communication Skills


Lecture: Business correspondence and email etiquette

Role-play: Simulated office communication scenarios

Assignment: Drafting a professional email

Week 9-10: Time Management and Organization


Lecture: Importance of time management

Practical: Planning and prioritizing tasks

Assignment: Personal time management plan

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of previous topics through quizzes

Group discussions on challenging concepts

Practice tests for self-assessment

Week 12: Examination Week


Written examination on theory

Practical assessment on office tasks

Oral examination on communication skills

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s learnings and achievements

Distribution of results and individual feedback

Guidance on areas of improvement and resources for self-study.

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