Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Advanced Nutrition Concepts

Lesson Note:


Overview of advanced nutritional concepts.

Exploration of emerging topics in nutrition science.

Scheme of Work:


Research assignment: Investigate and present on a cutting-edge nutritional discovery.

Class discussion: Share insights and opinions on the future of nutrition.

Week 2: Sports Nutrition and Performance

Lesson Note:


In-depth study of nutrition for athletes.

Understanding the impact of nutrition on sports performance.

Scheme of Work:


Guest speaker: Sports nutritionist or professional athlete.

Group project: Design a nutrition plan for a specific sport or physical activity.

Week 3: Public Health Nutrition

Lesson Note:


The role of nutrition in public health.

Strategies for addressing nutrition-related public health challenges.

Scheme of Work:


Group presentation: Analyze a public health nutrition campaign.

Class discussion: Brainstorm ideas for a community nutrition initiative.

Week 4: Food Policy and Regulation

Lesson Note:


Overview of food policies and regulations.

Understanding the impact of government guidelines on food choices.

Scheme of Work:


Debate: Discuss the pros and cons of specific food policies.

Guest speaker: Regulatory expert or government official.

Week 5: Culinary Science

Lesson Note:


Introduction to the science behind cooking.

Molecular gastronomy and modern cooking techniques.

Scheme of Work:


Laboratory session: Conduct culinary science experiments.

Cooking demonstration: Explore molecular gastronomy in practical applications.

Week 6: Nutrition and Aging

Lesson Note:


How nutritional needs change with age.

Strategies for promoting healthy aging through nutrition.

Scheme of Work:


Panel discussion: Invite healthcare professionals to discuss nutrition in aging.

Group project: Create a guide on nutrition for different life stages.

Week 7: Global Food Systems

Lesson Note:


Understanding the complexities of global food production and distribution.

Impact of globalization on dietary patterns.

Scheme of Work:


Research project: Analyze a global food supply chain.

Class discussion: Discuss the challenges and opportunities in the global food system.

Week 8: Food Entrepreneurship

Lesson Note:


Basics of starting a food-related business.

Importance of entrepreneurship in the food industry.

Scheme of Work:


Guest speaker: Successful food entrepreneur.

Business pitch: Students present creative food business ideas.

Week 9: Ethical Considerations in Food Choices

Lesson Note:


Exploring ethical dilemmas related to food.

Making socially responsible food choices.

Scheme of Work:


Group debate: Discuss ethical issues in food production.

Class discussion: Reflect on personal responsibility in food consumption.

Week 10: Capstone Project Preparation

Lesson Note:


Introduction to the capstone project.

Guidelines for project selection and implementation.

Scheme of Work:


Brainstorming session: Students generate ideas for their capstone projects.

Individual consultations: Discuss and refine project proposals with each student.

Week 11: Capstone Project Implementation



Students work on their capstone projects under the guidance of the instructor.

Regular check-ins to monitor progress and provide support.

Week 12: Capstone Project Presentation



Students present their capstone projects to the class.

Evaluation and feedback from peers and the instructor.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week



Final reflections on the entire academic year.

Distribution of certificates or recognition for outstanding achievements.

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