Past Questions and Answers

SS2 Second Term English Language Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Second Term English Language Past Questions And Answers

SS2 English questions with options and answers:


21. Introduction:

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: “They ________ to the party last night.”


a) go

b) goes

c) went

d) going


Answer: c) went


22. Introduction:

Identify the adverb in the sentence: “He spoke softly during the meeting.”


a) spoke

b) softly

c) during

d) meeting


Answer: b) softly


23. Introduction:

Select the synonym for the word “conundrum.”


a) puzzle

b) solution

c) mystery

d) answer


Answer: a) puzzle


24. Introduction:

Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences: “She is talented ________ humble.”


a) and

b) or

c) but

d) so


Answer: c) but


25. Introduction:

Identify the preposition in the sentence: “The cat jumped over the fence.”


a) jumped

b) cat

c) over

d) fence


Answer: c) over


26. Introduction:

Select the appropriate relative pronoun to complete the sentence: “The person ________ won the award is my friend.”


a) who

b) whom

c) whose

d) which


Answer: a) who


27. Introduction:

Identify the gerund in the sentence: “Swimming is her favorite hobby.”


a) swimming

b) is

c) her

d) hobby


Answer: a) swimming


28. Introduction:

Choose the correct possessive form of the noun “children.”


a) childrens’

b) child’s

c) children’s

d) childs’


Answer: c) children’s


29. Introduction:

Select the appropriate conjunction to join the sentences: “I like both tea ________ coffee.”


a) or

b) and

c) but

d) so


Answer: b) and


30. Introduction:

Identify the antonym for the word “generous.”


a) kind

b) selfish

c) giving

d) benevolent


Answer: b) selfish


31. Introduction:

Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence: “She sings very __________.”


a) beautiful

b) beauty

c) beautifully

d) beautify


Answer: c) beautifully


32. Introduction:

Identify the conjunction in the sentence: “I want to go out, but it’s raining.”


a) want

b) but

c) out

d) it’s


Answer: b) but


33. Introduction:

Select the correct form of the verb in the past perfect tense: “She ________ finished her homework before dinner.”


a) has

b) had

c) have

d) have had


Answer: b) had


34. Introduction:

Identify the plural form of the word “ox.”


a) oxen

b) oxes

c) oxs

d) oxxen


Answer: a) oxen


35. Introduction:

Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences: “He is allergic to nuts. ________ he loves chocolate.”


a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so


Answer: b) but


36. Introduction:

Select the correct indefinite article to complete the sentence: “I need __________ new book.”


a) a

b) an

c) the

d) some


Answer: a) a


37. Introduction:

Identify the prefix in the word “unhappy.”


a) un

b) happy

c) un-

d) -happy


Answer: a) un


38. Introduction:

Choose the correct form of “to be” to complete the sentence: “They __________ very tired.”


a) am

b) is

c) are

d) be


Answer: c) are


39. Introduction:

Identify the comparative form of the adjective “beautiful.”


a) beauty

b) beautifuller

c) beautifullest

d) more beautiful


Answer: d) more beautiful



40. Introduction:

Select the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence: “I prefer __________ jacket.”


a) this

b) these

c) that

d) those


Answer: c) that

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