
SS2 Third Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

Question: What is the role of customer feedback in SS2 marketing?

A. Customer feedback is irrelevant in SS2

B. Helps improve products/services and builds trust

C. Reserved for B2B businesses only

D. Increases website ad revenue

Answer: B. Helps improve products/services and builds trust


Question: How can chat analytics contribute to SS2 strategies?


A. Chat analytics have no relevance in SS2

B. Provides insights into customer interactions for better engagement

C. Suitable only for e-commerce businesses

D. Affects website loading speed

Answer: B. Provides insights into customer interactions for better engagement


Question: In SS2, what is the significance of social selling triggers?


A. Social selling triggers are unnecessary

B. Identifies opportunities for engagement based on buyer behavior

C. Only applicable for local businesses

D. Improves website design

Answer: B. Identifies opportunities for engagement based on buyer behavior


Question: How can user-generated content be leveraged in SS2 marketing?


A. User-generated content is ineffective in SS2

B. Boosts authenticity and engages the audience

C. Only applicable for lifestyle brands

D. Reduces website security risks

Answer: B. Boosts authenticity and engages the audience


Question: What is the role of social media influencers in the SS2 sales funnel?


A. Influencers have no impact on SS2 sales

B. Influencers can help create awareness and drive consideration

C. Limited to B2C businesses

D. Influencers only affect website aesthetics

Answer: B. Influencers can help create awareness and drive consideration


Question: How does geo-targeting contribute to SS2 marketing campaigns?


A. Geo-targeting is irrelevant in SS2

B. Tailors content based on the location of the audience for more personalized engagement

C. Suitable only for international businesses

D. Boosts website loading speed

Answer: B. Tailors content based on the location of the audience for more personalized engagement


Question: What is the impact of social selling on customer retention in SS2?


A. Social selling has no effect on customer retention

B. Builds lasting relationships and enhances customer loyalty

C. Only applicable for service-based businesses

D. Improves website navigation

Answer: B. Builds lasting relationships and enhances customer loyalty


Question: How can scarcity and urgency be used in SS2 marketing?


A. Scarcity and urgency are ineffective in SS2

B. Creates a sense of exclusivity and prompts quicker action

C. Only suitable for retail businesses

D. Impacts website SEO only

Answer: B. Creates a sense of exclusivity and prompts quicker action


Question: What role does sentiment analysis play in SS2 strategies?


A. Sentiment analysis is irrelevant in SS2

B. Helps understand audience feelings towards the brand for more targeted engagement

C. Only applicable for large corporations

D. Affects website loading time

Answer: B. Helps understand audience feelings towards the brand for more targeted engagement


Question: How can cross-channel marketing enhance SS2 effectiveness?


A. Cross-channel marketing has no impact on SS2

B. Ensures a cohesive and integrated approach across various platforms

C. Only relevant for e-commerce businesses

D. Boosts website security

Answer: B. Ensures a cohesive and integrated approach across various platforms

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