Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Third Term Data Processing Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Data Processing Past Questions And Answers

SS3 Data processing questions:


Question: What is the primary purpose of SS3 Data-tier Applications (DAC)?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Simplifying the deployment and management of database applications

Answer: D) Simplifying the deployment and management of database applications


Question: In SS3, what role does the Database Engine Tuning Advisor play?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Recommending indexes and query optimizations

Answer: D) Recommending indexes and query optimizations


Question: What is the purpose of the SS3 Wait Statistics feature?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Identifying performance bottlenecks by analyzing wait times

Answer: D) Identifying performance bottlenecks by analyzing wait times


Question: Which SS3 feature allows the parallel processing of queries to improve performance?


A) SS3 Parallel Data Processing

B) SS3 Analysis Services Parallel Cubes

C) SS3 Reporting Services Parallel Rendering

D) SQL Server Parallelism

Answer: D) SQL Server Parallelism


Question: In SS3, what is the primary function of the SS3 Data Classification feature?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Identifying and labeling sensitive data

Answer: D) Identifying and labeling sensitive data


Question: What does the term “Cardinality Estimation” refer to in the context of SS3 query optimization?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Estimating the number of rows in query results for optimization purposes

Answer: D) Estimating the number of rows in query results for optimization purposes


Question: Which SS3 feature is used for tracking and auditing changes made to database objects and data?


A) SS3 Change Tracking

B) SS3 Audit Services

C) SS3 Data Tracking

D) SQL Server Change Control

Answer: B) SS3 Audit Services


Question: In SS3, what is the purpose of the SS3 Service Broker?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Asynchronous messaging and queuing

Answer: D) Asynchronous messaging and queuing


Question: What is the primary function of the SS3 FileTable feature?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Managing and storing documents in SQL Server as files

Answer: D) Managing and storing documents in SQL Server as files


Question: Which SS3 feature is used for managing and optimizing the storage of large binary and text data?


A) SS3 Filestream

B) SS3 Blob Storage

C) SS3 Large Object Storage

D) SQL Server Binary Storage

Answer: A) SS3 Filestream


Question: In SS3, what is the purpose of the SS3 Distributed Replay Controller?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Capturing and replaying workloads for performance testing

Answer: D) Capturing and replaying workloads for performance testing


Question: What role does the SS3 Data Depersonalization feature play in data processing?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Removing or anonymizing personal information in the database

Answer: D) Removing or anonymizing personal information in the database


Question: In SS3, what does the term “Data Masking” refer to?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Protecting sensitive data by dynamically replacing characters

Answer: D) Protecting sensitive data by dynamically replacing characters


Question: Which SS3 feature enables the creation of temporal queries for analyzing data changes over time?


A) SS3 Temporal Tables

B) SS3 Historical Queries

C) SS3 Time-Travel Queries

D) SQL Server Time Machine

Answer: A) SS3 Temporal Tables


Question: In SS3, what is the purpose of the SS3 Resource Semaphore?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Controlling and managing resource usage for concurrent queries

Answer: D) Controlling and managing resource usage for concurrent queries


Question: What is the primary function of the SS3 Database Mail feature?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Sending email notifications from the SQL Server

Answer: D) Sending email notifications from the SQL Server


Question: In SS3, what is the purpose of the SS3 Query Store?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Capturing query execution plans and performance metrics

Answer: D) Capturing query execution plans and performance metrics


Question: Which SS3 feature provides a framework for creating, publishing, and consuming data services?


A) SS3 Data Services

B) SS3 Web Services

C) SS3 Service Broker

D) SQL Server Data Fabric

Answer: A) SS3 Data Services


Question: In SS3, what is the primary function of the SS3 Query Store?


A) Data analysis

B) Data reporting

C) Data integration

D) Capturing query execution plans and performance metrics

Answer: D) Capturing query execution plans and performance metrics


Question: What is the primary purpose of SS3 FileStream?


A) Data analysis

B) Data repo


C) Data integration

D) Managing large binary data outside the database

Answer: D) Managing large binary data outside the database

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