Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Third Term Fine Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Third Term Fine Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 Fine Arts Third Term: Cultivating Artistic Mastery


Week 1-2: Multimedia Art Integration


Lesson: Explore the integration of various art forms, including digital media.

Activity: Create multimedia artworks combining traditional and digital elements.

Week 3-4: Environmental Art and Installation


Lesson: Examine the concept of art in the environment and installation art.

Activity: Design and execute an outdoor or classroom art installation.

Week 5-6: Art Criticism and Analysis


Lesson: Introduce art criticism principles and techniques.

Activity: Conduct peer reviews and engage in group discussions analyzing famous artworks.

Week 7-8: Cultural Art Exploration


Lesson: Explore art from different cultures around the world.

Activity: Create artworks inspired by cultural motifs and traditions.

Week 9-10: Art as Social Commentary


Lesson: Discuss the role of art in addressing social issues.

Activity: Create artworks that convey social messages and perspectives.

Week 11: Revision Week


Review: Consolidate knowledge from the third term.

Activity: Collaborative project revisiting key concepts and techniques.

Week 12: Examination Week


Exam: Assess understanding of multimedia art, environmental art, cultural exploration, and social commentary.

Review: Provide feedback on exams and discuss improvements.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Farewell: Reflect on the entire academic year in Fine Arts and celebrate accomplishments.

Activity: Host a final exhibition showcasing the diversity and growth of students’ artistic skills.

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