Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: SS1 Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Aquaculture


Lesson Note: Basics of aquaculture, types of aquatic animals.

Scheme of Work: Discuss the significance of fish farming.

Activities: Set up a small aquaculture tank in the classroom for observation.

Week 2: Fish Farming Practices


Lesson Note: Fish breeding, feeding, and disease management.

Scheme of Work: Explore different fish species suitable for farming.

Activities: Field trip to a fish farm.

Week 3: Beekeeping


Lesson Note: Importance of bees in agriculture, basics of beekeeping.

Scheme of Work: Discuss honey production and pollination benefits.

Activities: Observation of a beehive and honey extraction.

Week 4: Exotic and Wild Animals


Lesson Note: Conservation, exotic pets, and wildlife management.

Scheme of Work: Understand the challenges of keeping exotic and wild animals.

Activities: Guest speaker session with a wildlife expert.

Week 5: Animal By-products


Lesson Note: Utilization of animal by-products, economic importance.

Scheme of Work: Explore the various by-products from different livestock.

Activities: Group project on creating innovative products from animal by-products.

Week 6: Farm Record Keeping


Lesson Note: Importance of record-keeping in animal husbandry.

Scheme of Work: Learn to maintain records for different livestock enterprises.

Activities: Practical session on setting up a farm record-keeping system.

Week 7: Sustainable Farming Practices


Lesson Note: Environmentally friendly animal husbandry practices.

Scheme of Work: Explore sustainable farming methods and their benefits.

Activities: Research and present eco-friendly farming techniques.

Week 8: Small Ruminant Farming


Lesson Note: Management of goats and sheep, wool and meat production.

Scheme of Work: Discuss feeding, breeding, and health care for small ruminants.

Activities: Field trip to a small ruminant farm.

Week 9: Piggery Management


Lesson Note: Advanced swine farming practices and disease control.

Scheme of Work: Improve on previous knowledge of pig farming.

Activities: Group project on solving common challenges in piggery management.

Week 10: Poultry Diseases and Control


Lesson Note: In-depth study of poultry diseases, prevention, and control.

Scheme of Work: Explore vaccination programs and biosecurity measures.

Activities: Invite a poultry health expert for a lecture.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Recap key concepts from the first half of the term.

Scheme of Work: Conduct thorough revision sessions and answer questions.

Activities: Quiz, group discussions, and review of practical demonstrations.

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