Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

Jss2 First Term Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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Jss2 First Term Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

JSS2 First Term Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Numbers


Lesson Note: Explore the concept of numbers, including whole numbers and their properties.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Introduction to counting and basic operations.

Day 2: Understanding place value.

Day 3: Addition and subtraction of whole numbers.

Day 4: Multiplication and division of whole numbers.

Day 5: Practical exercises and group activities.

Week 2: Fractions


Lesson Note: Introduce fractions and their representation.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Understanding the concept of fractions.

Day 2: Proper and improper fractions.

Day 3: Equivalent fractions.

Day 4: Addition and subtraction of fractions.

Day 5: Multiplication and division of fractions.

Week 3: Decimals


Lesson Note: Explore the decimal system and operations with decimals.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Introduction to decimals and decimal places.

Day 2: Addition and subtraction of decimals.

Day 3: Multiplication of decimals.

Day 4: Division of decimals.

Day 5: Real-life applications and problem-solving with decimals.

Week 4: Geometry


Lesson Note: Cover basic geometric concepts and shapes.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Introduction to geometry and basic shapes.

Day 2: Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Day 3: Understanding angles.

Day 4: Perimeter and area of simple shapes.

Day 5: Practical geometry exercises and group activities.

Week 5: Measurement


Lesson Note: Focus on measurement units and conversions.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Length and its units.

Day 2: Mass and weight measurements.

Day 3: Capacity and volume measurements.

Day 4: Converting between different units.

Day 5: Real-life measurement problems.

Week 6: Algebra


Lesson Note: Introduce basic algebraic expressions and equations.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Introduction to variables and expressions.

Day 2: Evaluating expressions.

Day 3: Simple linear equations.

Day 4: Solving equations with one variable.

Day 5: Application of algebraic concepts in problem-solving.

Week 7: Data Handling


Lesson Note: Cover data representation and interpretation.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1: Collecting and organizing data.

Day 2: Representing data using graphs and charts.

Day 3: Interpreting graphs and tables.

Day 4: Measures of central tendency.

Day 5: Analyzing real-life data sets.

Week 8: Revision and Assessment


Lesson Note: Review key concepts and assess students’ understanding.

Scheme of Work:

Day 1-3: Comprehensive revision of topics covered.

Day 4: Practice tests and quizzes.

Day 5: Feedback and addressing areas of difficulty.

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