Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Third Term Typewriting Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Typewriting Past Questions And Answers

SS3 Typewriting questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the primary purpose of the “Tab” key in typing?

A. Insert a space

B. Indent text

C. Delete a character

D. Change font size

Answer: B. Indent text

Question: Which finger is responsible for typing the letter “P” in touch typing?

A. Index finger

B. Middle finger

C. Ring finger

D. Pinky finger

Answer: B. Middle finger

Question: What is the correct hand position for touch typing on the home row keys?

A. Fingers on random keys

B. Fingers on the spacebar

C. Fingers on the home row keys

D. Fingers on the number keys

Answer: C. Fingers on the home row keys

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