Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Third Term Computer Science Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Computer Science Past Questions And Answers

Whether you are a student preparing for exams or an enthusiast eager to challenge yourself, these questions cover a range of topics from programming to algorithms. Let’s dive into the world of computer science and see how well you can navigate through these thought-provoking questions.


Question: What does the acronym HTML stand for?


a) HyperText Markup Language

b) High-level Text Management Language

c) HyperTransfer Markup Language

d) Hyperlink and Text Markup Language

Answer: a) HyperText Markup Language

Question: Which programming language is known for its simplicity and readability, using indentation to define code blocks?


a) Java

b) Python

c) C++

d) Ruby

Answer: b) Python

Question: What is the purpose of a compiler in the context of programming languages?


a) Converts high-level code to machine code

b) Executes code directly

c) Checks for syntax errors only

d) Translates machine code to high-level code

Answer: a) Converts high-level code to machine code

Question: In networking, what does TCP/IP stand for?


a) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

b) Time Control Process/Interlinked Process

c) Terminal Connection Protocol/Internet Port

d) Technical Control Panel/Intranet Port

Answer: a) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

Question: Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle?


a) Queue

b) Stack

c) Linked List

d) Tree

Answer: b) Stack

Question: What is the main purpose of an operating system?


a) Manage hardware resources and provide services for computer programs

b) Run antivirus software

c) Enhance internet connectivity

d) Control application software

Answer: a) Manage hardware resources and provide services for computer programs

Question: Which sorting algorithm has the best average and worst-case time complexity?


a) QuickSort

b) MergeSort

c) BubbleSort

d) InsertionSort

Answer: b) MergeSort

Question: What is the binary representation of the decimal number 25?


a) 11001

b) 10101

c) 11111

d) 10010

Answer: a) 11001

Question: Which type of cyber-attack involves tricking individuals into providing sensitive information?


a) Phishing

b) DDoS

c) Ransomware

d) Malware

Answer: a) Phishing

Question: In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?


a) Combining different data types

b) Hiding the implementation details of an object

c) Creating multiple instances of a class

d) Inheriting properties from another class

Answer: b) Hiding the implementation details of an object

Question: Which programming paradigm encourages the use of functions as first-class citizens?


a) Imperative

b) Functional

c) Object-oriented

d) Procedural

Answer: b) Functional

Question: What is SQL used for in the context of databases?


a) Styling web pages

b) Managing and querying relational databases

c) Creating dynamic content in websites

d) Configuring network settings

Answer: b) Managing and querying relational databases

Question: What is the purpose of a firewall in network security?


a) Monitor internet speed

b) Block unauthorized access and control incoming/outgoing traffic

c) Encrypt data transmission

d) Detect and remove malware

Answer: b) Block unauthorized access and control incoming/outgoing traffic

Question: Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile applications?


a) Java

b) Swift

c) C#

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Question: What does RAID stand for in data storage?


a) Redundant Array of Independent Disks

b) Rapid Access for Information Distribution

c) Random Access of Inactive Data

d) Relational Algorithm for Integrated Databases

Answer: a) Redundant Array of Independent Disks

Question: Which type of loop is guaranteed to execute at least once?


a) for loop

b) while loop

c) do-while loop

d) switch loop

Answer: c) do-while loop

Question: What is the purpose of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) in web development?


a) Designing user interfaces

b) Improving website security

c) Distributing content across multiple servers for faster delivery

d) Managing database queries

Answer: c) Distributing content across multiple servers for faster delivery

Question: Which of the following is NOT a programming language?


a) Python


c) SQL

d) XML

Answer: d) XML

Question: What is the function of the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in web development?


a) Managing database queries

b) Defining the presentation of HTML elements

c) Handling server-side logic

d) Executing client-side scripts

Answer: b) Defining the presentation of HTML elements

Question: In the context of databases, what is normalization?


a) Optimizing query performance

b) Reducing redundancy and dependency in data

c) Encrypting stored data

d) Runnin

g periodic backups

Answer: b) Reducing redundancy and dependency in data

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