Past Questions and Answers

SS2 First Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

In this post, we present 20 stimulating SS2 Fine Arts questions, each accompanied by multiple-choice options and the correct answers. Let’s delve into the world of artistic expression and test our understanding of various artistic elements.


Question 1: What is the primary purpose of chiaroscuro in art?


A) Color harmony

B) Light and shadow contrast

C) Linear perspective

D) Texture representation

Answer: B) Light and shadow contrast


Question 2: Which artistic movement is characterized by distorted and exaggerated depictions of reality?


A) Cubism

B) Surrealism

C) Impressionism

D) Realism

Answer: B) Surrealism


Question 3: What is the significance of negative space in composition?


A) Focal point emphasis

B) Balancing positive elements

C) Symbolic representation

D) Color saturation

Answer: B) Balancing positive elements


Question 4: Which color scheme involves using three colors that are equally spaced around the color wheel?


A) Analogous

B) Monochromatic

C) Complementary

D) Triadic

Answer: D) Triadic


Question 5: What art medium is known for its transparency and luminosity?


A) Acrylic paint

B) Watercolor

C) Oil pastels

D) Charcoal

Answer: B) Watercolor


Question 6: In sculpture, what is the term for the process of removing material from a larger mass to create a form?


A) Modeling

B) Carving

C) Casting

D) Assembling

Answer: B) Carving


Question 7: Which art movement aimed to capture the essence of a subject rather than its realistic representation?


A) Baroque

B) Romanticism

C) Impressionism

D) Rococo

Answer: C) Impressionism


Question 8: What is the purpose of a viewfinder in drawing and painting?


A) Enhancing texture

B) Framing composition

C) Mixing colors

D) Creating contrast

Answer: B) Framing composition


Question 9: Which of the following is a characteristic of abstract art?


A) Detailed realism

B) Geometric shapes

C) Naturalistic colors

D) Traditional perspective

Answer: B) Geometric shapes


Question 10: What is the term for the technique of applying small dots of color to create an image?


A) Stippling

B) Hatching

C) Sgraffito

D) Scumbling

Answer: A) Stippling

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