Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Second Term Office Practice Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Second Term Office Practice Past Questions And Answers

15 SS3 office practice questions with options and answers:

Question 6:

What does the acronym “ICT” stand for in the context of office technology?


A) International Computer Terminology

B) Information and Communication Technology

C) Integrated Communication Tools

D) Internet and Computer Training

Answer: B) Information and Communication Technology


Question 7:

Which software is commonly used for creating and editing spreadsheets?


A) Photoshop

B) Excel

C) Word

D) PowerPoint

Answer: B) Excel


Question 8:

What is the purpose of an agenda in a business meeting?


A) To take minutes

B) To set the tone

C) To outline topics and schedule

D) To entertain participants

Answer: C) To outline topics and schedule


Question 9:

In office communication, what does “BCC” stand for?


A) Business Communication Code

B) Blind Carbon Copy

C) Basic Computer Configuration

D) Browser Cache Clear

Answer: B) Blind Carbon Copy


Question 10:

What is the primary purpose of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in an office environment?


A) Virus Protection Network

B) Virtual Phone Network

C) Secure Data Transmission

D) Video Presentation Network

Answer: C) Secure Data Transmission


Question 11:

Which of the following is a common feature of project management software?


A) Recipe creation

B) Task scheduling and tracking

C) Music composition

D) 3D modeling

Answer: B) Task scheduling and tracking


Question 12:

What does the term “BYOD” stand for in the context of office technology?


A) Bring Your Own Device

B) Business Yearly Operating Database

C) Backup Your Office Data

D) Build Your Own Desktop

Answer: A) Bring Your Own Device


Question 13:

Which type of software is used for creating and delivering presentations?


A) Spreadsheet software

B) Presentation software

C) Database software

D) Antivirus software

Answer: B) Presentation software


Question 14:

What is the purpose of version control software in collaborative work environments?


A) To control office temperatures

B) To manage different versions of documents

C) To regulate internet access

D) To monitor employee attendance

Answer: B) To manage different versions of documents


Question 15:

In the context of email etiquette, what does “CC” stand for?


A) Creative Communication

B) Courtesy Copy

C) Cybernetic Correspondence

D) Customer Complaint

Answer: B) Courtesy Copy


Question 16:

Which software is commonly used for drafting and editing written documents?


A) Excel

B) PowerPoint

C) Word

D) Access

Answer: C) Word


Question 17:

What is the primary function of a firewall in network security?


A) Monitor employee activities

B) Block unauthorized access

C) Encrypt email messages

D) Manage office supplies

Answer: B) Block unauthorized access


Question 18:

What is the purpose of a file compression utility in an office setting?


A) To increase file size

B) To organize folders

C) To reduce file size for storage and transmission

D) To create backup copies

Answer: C) To reduce file size for storage and transmission


Question 19:

Which type of software is used for managing and organizing contacts in an office?


A) Calendar software

B) Project management software

C) Contact management software

D) Accounting software

Answer: C) Contact management software


Question 20:

In the context of office communication, what is the purpose of a “subject” in an email?


A) To attach files

B) To greet the recipient

C) To provide a brief s

ummary of the email content

D) To include hyperlinks

Answer: C) To provide a brief summary of the email content

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