Past Questions and Answers

Jss3 second term CRS past questions and answers

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Jss3 second term CRS past questions and answers

Question: Who is considered the first prophet in the Bible?

A. Moses

B. Elijah

C. Isaiah

D. Abraham

Answer: A. Moses

Question: What is the significance of the rainbow in the story of Noah’s Ark?


A. God’s promise never to flood the earth again

B. Covenant with Abraham

C. Sign of the Ten Commandments

D. Symbol of David’s kingdom

Answer: A. God’s promise never to flood the earth again

Question: In the Bible, who was sold into slavery by his brothers but later became a powerful ruler in Egypt?


A. Joseph

B. Jacob

C. Benjamin

D. Reuben

Answer: A. Joseph

Question: What is the significance of the story of the Prodigal Son?


A. Forgiveness and reconciliation

B. Obedience to parents

C. Faithfulness in prayer

D. Honoring the Sabbath

Answer: A. Forgiveness and reconciliation

Question: Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith, stoned to death for his beliefs?


A. Peter

B. Stephen

C. Paul

D. James the Greater

Answer: B. Stephen

Question: What event is commemorated during the Christian celebration of Maundy Thursday?


A. Jesus’ birth

B. Last Supper and washing of feet

C. Crucifixion of Jesus

D. Resurrection of Jesus

Answer: B. Last Supper and washing of feet

Question: Who is known as the “apostle to the Gentiles” and wrote several letters (epistles) in the New Testament?


A. Peter

B. James

C. Paul

D. John

Answer: C. Paul

Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his great strength and defeating a lion with his bare hands?


A. Joshua

B. Samson

C. Gideon

D. Saul

Answer: B. Samson

Question: In the Bible, who was a tax collector that Jesus called to be one of his disciples?


A. Matthew

B. Zacchaeus

C. Simon the Zealot

D. Judas Iscariot

Answer: A. Matthew

Question: What is the primary message of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?


A. Love your enemies

B. The Kingdom of God

C. Observance of religious rituals

D. Strict adherence to the law

Answer: B. The Kingdom of God

Question: Who was the first Christian martyr among the apostles?


A. Peter

B. James the Greater

C. John

D. Andrew

Answer: B. James the Greater

Question: Which gospel begins with the genealogy of Jesus?


A. Matthew

B. Mark

C. Luke

D. John

Answer: A. Matthew

Question: What miraculous event occurred at the wedding in Cana, according to the New Testament?


A. Healing of the blind man

B. Feeding of the 5000

C. Turning water into wine

D. Calming the storm

Answer: C. Turning water into wine

Question: Who was the Roman governor responsible for ordering the crucifixion of Jesus?


A. Pilate

B. Herod Antipas

C. Felix

D. Agrippa

Answer: A. Pilate

Question: In the Bible, who is known for interpreting dreams, including the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream in Egypt?


A. Daniel

B. Ezekiel

C. Jeremiah

D. Isaiah

Answer: A. Daniel

Question: What event is celebrated during the Christian festival of Pentecost?


A. Jesus’ resurrection

B. Descent of the Holy Spirit

C. Transfiguration of Jesus

D. Ascension of Jesus

Answer: B. Descent of the Holy Spirit

Question: According to the New Testament, what was the occupation of the apostle Peter before he became a disciple of Jesus?


A. Fisherman

B. Tax collector

C. Carpenter

D. Tentmaker

Answer: A. Fisherman

Question: Who was the wife of King Ahab and famously involved in a confrontation with the prophet Elijah?


A. Jezebel

B. Esther

C. Ruth

D. Hannah

Answer: A. Jezebel

Question: What is the Christian sacrament that symbolizes the cleansing of sins through water?


A. Holy Communion

B. Confirmation

C. Baptism

D. Anointing of the Sick

Answer: C. Baptism

Question: In the New Testament, who was known for persecuting Christians but later became an influential apostle?


A. John

B. James

C. Paul

D. Barnabas

Answer: C. Paul

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