Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 First Term History Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 First Term History Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1 – Introduction to Ancient Civilizations

Lesson Note:


Overview of ancient civilizations

Introduction to Mesopotamia and Egypt

Scheme of Work:


Discuss key characteristics of ancient civilizations

Explore the geography of Mesopotamia and Egypt



Group discussion on early human settlements

Map drawing to understand the locations of Mesopotamia and Egypt

Week 2 – Mesopotamian Civilization

Lesson Note:


Detailed study of Mesopotamian civilization

Focus on Sumerian and Akkadian cultures

Scheme of Work:


Analyze the social structure and contributions of Sumerians

Discuss the conquests of Akkadian Empire



Role-play Sumerian daily life

Create a timeline of Akkadian conquests

Week 3 – Ancient Egypt: The Nile Civilization

Lesson Note:


Exploration of ancient Egyptian civilization

Emphasis on the significance of the Nile River

Scheme of Work:


Study the role of the Nile in Egyptian agriculture

Examine religious beliefs and practices



Nile River mapping activity

Build miniature pyramids from clay

Week 4 – Ancient Greece: Birthplace of Democracy

Lesson Note:


Introduction to Ancient Greece

Focus on Athenian democracy

Scheme of Work:


Discuss the concept of democracy in Ancient Greece

Explore Greek city-states and their conflicts



Conduct a mock trial to understand Athenian legal system

Create a Greek city-state poster

Week 5 – Ancient Rome: Rise and Fall

Lesson Note:


Study the rise and fall of the Roman Empire

Explore the Roman Republic and Imperial Rome

Scheme of Work:


Analyze the factors contributing to the fall of Rome

Discuss Roman achievements and contributions



Build a Roman timeline

Debate on the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire

Week 6-8 – Middle Ages: Feudalism and Crusades

Lesson Note:


Overview of the Middle Ages

Study of feudalism and the Crusades

Scheme of Work:


Analyze the structure of feudal society

Explore the motivations and consequences of the Crusades



Simulate a feudal manor system

Create a Crusades-themed board game

Week 9 – Renaissance: Rebirth of Arts and Sciences

Lesson Note:


Exploration of the Renaissance period

Focus on artistic and scientific advancements

Scheme of Work:


Discuss key figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

Explore the impact of the printing press



Art appreciation session

Create a Renaissance-themed art project

Week 10 – Age of Exploration

Lesson Note:


Study the Age of Exploration

Focus on European exploration and encounters with new worlds

Scheme of Work:


Discuss motivations and innovations in exploration

Explore the impact of the Columbian Exchange



Design a world map with major exploration routes

Role-play encounters between explorers and indigenous peoples

Week 11 – Revision Week

Lesson Note:


Review key concepts from previous weeks

Provide additional clarification on challenging topics

Scheme of Work:


Conduct review quizzes and discussions

Address any lingering questions or concerns



Group study sessions

Kahoot! quizzes for interactive revision

Week 12 – Examination Week

Lesson Note:


Administer the end-of-term examination

Scheme of Work:


Set up examination venues and procedures

Ensure proper invigilation and assessment



Conduct written exams based on the term’s content

Week 13 – School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note:


Concluding remarks and summary of the term

Provide feedback on examinations

Scheme of Work:


Finalize grade submissions

Share resources f

or optional holiday study



Farewell assembly or gathering

Distribution of report cards and certificates.

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