Past Questions and Answers

SS3 First Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 First Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

Question: Who is considered the father of faith in Christianity?


a) Moses

b) Abraham

c) David

d) Solomon


Answer: b) Abraham


Question: What is the significance of the Ten Commandments in Christianity?


a) Guidelines for prayer

b) Moral code for believers

c) Ritualistic practices

d) Historical events


Answer: b) Moral code for believers


Question: Which gospel is attributed to the disciple Matthew?


a) Gospel of Mark

b) Gospel of Luke

c) Gospel of John

d) Gospel of Matthew


Answer: d) Gospel of Matthew


Question: In Christianity, what event is celebrated on Easter Sunday?


a) Birth of Jesus

b) Crucifixion of Jesus

c) Resurrection of Jesus

d) Ascension of Jesus


Answer: c) Resurrection of Jesus


Question: What sacrament is associated with the forgiveness of sins in Christianity?


a) Holy Communion

b) Confirmation

c) Baptism

d) Penance/Reconciliation


Answer: d) Penance/Reconciliation


Question: Who is considered the first human according to the Christian creation story?


a) Adam

b) Noah

c) Abraham

d) Moses


Answer: a) Adam


Question: Which Apostle is often referred to as the “doubting Thomas”?


a) Peter

b) James

c) Andrew

d) Thomas


Answer: d) Thomas


Question: What is the primary holy book in Christianity?


a) Torah

b) Bible

c) Quran

d) Vedas


Answer: b) Bible


Question: In the New Testament, who is known as the “apostle to the Gentiles”?


a) James

b) Peter

c) Paul

d) John


Answer: c) Paul


Question: What is the central theme of the parable of the prodigal son?


a) Forgiveness and reconciliation

b) Obedience to parents

c) Generosity and charity

d) Humility and gratitude


Answer: a) Forgiveness and reconciliation


Question: Which city is considered the birthplace of Jesus, according to biblical accounts?


a) Bethlehem

b) Jerusalem

c) Nazareth

d) Jericho


Answer: a) Bethlehem


Question: What is the significance of the Day of Pentecost in Christianity?


a) Birth of Jesus

b) Descent of the Holy Spirit

c) Crucifixion of Jesus

d) Resurrection of Jesus


Answer: b) Descent of the Holy Spirit


Question: What does the term “Immaculate Conception” refer to in Christianity?


a) Birth of Jesus

b) Virgin birth of Jesus

c) Mary’s birth without original sin

d) The resurrection of Jesus


Answer: c) Mary’s birth without original sin


Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his wisdom and authored the Book of Proverbs?


a) Solomon

b) David

c) Isaiah

d) Jeremiah


Answer: a) Solomon


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of confirmation?


a) Initiation into the Christian community

b) Marriage ceremony

c) Final sacrament before death

d) Affirmation of baptismal vows


Answer: d) Affirmation of baptismal vows


Question: What is the primary theme of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament?


a) Creation of the world

b) End times and judgment

c) Life of Jesus

d) Sermon on the Mount


Answer: b) End times and judgment


Question: Which prophet is known for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?


a) Moses

b) Isaiah

c) Jeremiah

d) Ezekiel


Answer: a) Moses


Question: What is the significance of the Last Supper in Christianity?


a) Jesus’ birth

b) Jesus’ crucifixion

c) Institution of the Holy Communion

d) Resurrection of Jesus


Answer: c) Institution of the Holy Communion


Question: Who baptized Jesus in the River Jordan?


a) John the Baptist

b) Peter

c) James

d) Andrew


Answer: a) John the Baptist


Question: What is the central teaching of the Great Commandment in Christianity?


a) Love your neighbor as yourself

b) Worship only one God

c) Keep the Sabbath holy

d) Honor your parents


Answer: a) Love your neighbor as yourself

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