Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Second Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Second Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

Question: What is the significance of the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament?


a) Container for manna

b) Symbol of God’s presence

c) Moses’ staff

d) David’s throne


Answer: b) Symbol of God’s presence


Question: Which prophet is known for his endurance and patience during times of suffering?


a) Jeremiah

b) Job

c) Isaiah

d) Ezekiel


Answer: b) Job


Question: In Christianity, what does the term “Epiphany” typically refer to?


a) Jesus’ baptism

b) Visit of the Magi to Jesus

c) Transfiguration of Jesus

d) Resurrection of Jesus


Answer: b) Visit of the Magi to Jesus


Question: Who is traditionally recognized as the first martyr of Christianity?


a) Stephen

b) Peter

c) Paul

d) James


Answer: a) Stephen


Question: Which biblical figure is known for his dream interpretation skills and rose to prominence in Egypt?


a) Daniel

b) Joseph

c) Ezekiel

d) Samuel


Answer: b) Joseph


Question: What is the primary theme of the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament?


a) Promised Land

b) Covenant with Abraham

c) Liberation from slavery

d) Reign of King David


Answer: c) Liberation from slavery


Question: In Christianity, what event is commemorated on Maundy Thursday?


a) Crucifixion of Jesus

b) Last Supper

c) Resurrection of Jesus

d) Ascension of Jesus


Answer: b) Last Supper


Question: Which Apostle is known for his denial of Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?


a) James

b) Peter

c) John

d) Andrew


Answer: b) Peter


Question: What is the central theme of the Book of Acts in the New Testament?


a) Miracles of Jesus

b) Early Christian Church and its growth

c) Parables of Jesus

d) Sermon on the Mount


Answer: b) Early Christian Church and its growth


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of matrimony?


a) Baptism

b) Confirmation

c) Marriage

d) Holy Communion


Answer: c) Marriage


Question: Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom and credited with building the First Temple in Jerusalem?


a) Saul

b) David

c) Solomon

d) Hezekiah


Answer: c) Solomon


Question: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Christianity?


a) Guide and comforter

b) Judge of the world

c) Warrior against evil

d) Creator of the universe


Answer: a) Guide and comforter


Question: In the New Testament, who wrote the majority of the Epistles (letters to the early Christian communities)?


a) Peter

b) James

c) Paul

d) John


Answer: c) Paul


Question: What is the significance of the Sermon on the Mount in Christianity?


a) Birth of Jesus

b) Crucifixion of Jesus

c) Teachings of Jesus on morality and righteousness

d) Resurrection of Jesus


Answer: c) Teachings of Jesus on morality and righteousness


Question: Which biblical figure is known for his courage in facing the giant Goliath?


a) David

b) Saul

c) Jonathan

d) Solomon


Answer: a) David


Question: What is the primary focus of the Book of Romans in the New Testament?


a) End times and judgment

b) Salvation by faith

c) Kingdom of God

d) Creation of the world


Answer: b) Salvation by faith


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of anointing of the sick?


a) Healing of physical ailments

b) Forgiveness of sins

c) Preparation for marriage

d) Final sacrament before death


Answer: a) Healing of physical ailments


Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his strength and judged Israel as a military leader?


a) Gideon

b) Samson

c) Deborah

d) Jephthah


Answer: b) Samson


Question: What is the central message of the Parable of the Good Samaritan?


a) Mercy and compassion

b) Justice and righteousness

c) Humility and gratitude

d) Forgiveness and reconciliation


Answer: a) Mercy and compassion


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of holy orders?


a) Confirmation

b) Ordination of clergy

c) Marriage

d) Penance/Reconciliation


Answer: b) Ordination of clergy

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