Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Third Term: Week 1-2: World Literature Exploration

Lesson Note: Commence the third term by delving into world literature, introducing works from different continents and cultures. Discuss the impact of globalization on literature. Assign readings from world-renowned authors.


Scheme of Work: Emphasize the importance of understanding diverse perspectives in literature. Assign readings from various world cultures and facilitate discussions on the universal themes present in different works.


Week 3-4: Literary Movements and Historical Context

Lesson Note: Explore significant literary movements and their connection to historical contexts. Discuss how societal changes influence literary trends. Analyze texts from different periods to identify characteristics of specific literary movements.


Scheme of Work: Assign readings representative of various literary movements. Organize discussions on the historical context of each movement. Encourage students to recognize the interplay between literature and societal changes.


Week 5-6: Contemporary Issues in Literature

Lesson Note: Shift focus to literature that addresses contemporary issues such as social justice, environmental concerns, and technological advancements. Discuss the role of literature in reflecting and shaping societal discourse.


Scheme of Work: Select works that tackle current issues. Conduct discussions on the relevance of literature in addressing contemporary challenges. Encourage critical thinking about the societal impact of literary works.


Week 7-8: Genre Fusion and Experimental Literature

Lesson Note: Explore the blending of genres and experimental forms in literature. Discuss how authors push boundaries to create innovative and unconventional works. Analyze texts that challenge traditional literary norms.


Scheme of Work: Assign readings that experiment with genre and form. Facilitate discussions on the impact of experimental literature. Encourage students to explore creative expressions beyond conventional boundaries.


Week 9-10: Independent Reading Project

Lesson Note: Allow students to choose a book of their preference for an independent reading project. Guide them in selecting diverse genres and authors. Conduct periodic check-ins to discuss their chosen books.


Scheme of Work: Allocate time for students to read independently. Facilitate discussions where students share insights from their chosen books. Assess their understanding through presentations or written reflections.


Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Dedicate this week to reviewing key concepts, literary terms, and texts covered throughout the third term. Conduct practice assessments, discussions, or group activities to reinforce understanding.


Scheme of Work: Continue with revision activities, focusing on the diverse topics introduced during the third term. Address any questions or concerns that may have arisen during the independent reading project.


Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer end-of-term examinations, covering the wide array of topics and skills explored during the third term. Ensure that exam questions align with the learning objectives and content covered.


Scheme of Work: Design varied exam formats, aligning questions with the learning objectives and content covered during the third term. Emphasize critical thinking and application of literary concepts in the examination.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Reflect on the achievements and challenges of the third term. Provide feedback on assessments and celebrate student progress. Discuss any literary events or projects planned for the next academic session.


Scheme of Work: Organize a brief class reflection session for the third term. Distribute report cards and acknowledge outstanding student contributions. Encourage students to continue their exploration of literature beyond the classroom during the break.

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