Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

Jss1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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Jss1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


JSS1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Week 1-3: Introduction to Third Term

Week 1:


Overview of the third term curriculum.

Connecting concepts from the previous terms.

Setting goals for the term.

Classroom discussion on agricultural innovations.

Week 2:


Sustainable farming practices.

Classroom discussion on the impact of agriculture on the environment.

Guest speaker: Environmentalist discussing eco-friendly farming.

Group project: Creating a presentation on sustainable agriculture.

Week 3:


Introduction to horticulture.

Classroom discussion on the importance of horticulture in agriculture.

Practical session: Planting and caring for ornamental plants.

Group project: Designing a school garden with ornamental plants.

Week 4-6: Livestock Nutrition and Management

Week 4:


Principles of livestock nutrition.

Classroom discussion on balanced animal diets.

Practical session: Preparing a balanced feed for livestock.

Group project: Creating a chart on essential nutrients for different animals.

Week 5:


Livestock housing and management.

Classroom discussion on the importance of proper housing.

Field trip to a local livestock farm.

Group project: Designing an ideal livestock pen.

Week 6:


Sustainable practices in animal farming.

Classroom discussion on ethical treatment of farm animals.

Guest speaker: Animal rights activist sharing insights.

Group project: Debates on ethical issues in animal farming.

Week 7-9: Agricultural Marketing

Week 7:


Basics of agricultural marketing.

Importance of branding in agriculture.

Classroom discussion on creating a marketable agricultural product.

Group project: Creating a brand for a fictional farm product.

Week 8:


Market research in agriculture.

Field trip to a local market to observe agricultural product sales.

Guest speaker: Marketing expert discussing agricultural branding.

Group project: Analyzing market trends and presenting findings.

Week 9:


Agribusiness opportunities.

Classroom discussion on various agribusiness ventures.

Practical session: Students developing a simple agribusiness plan.

Group project: Presenting agribusiness ideas to the class.

Week 10: Agricultural Policies and Development

Week 10:

Overview of agricultural policies.

Classroom discussion on the role of government in agriculture.

Guest speaker: Agricultural policymaker sharing insights.

Group project: Analyzing the impact of agricultural policies.

Week 11: Revision Week

Week 12: Examination Week

Week 12:

Comprehensive review of the term’s topics.

Practice examinations.

Exam preparation tips.

Examination week activities.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Week 13:

Recap of the term’s highlights.

Distribution of report cards.

Setting goals for future learning.

Farewell activities.

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