Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: Week 1-2: Literary Genres Exploration

Lesson Note: Begin the term by exploring various literary genres such as fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, and science fiction. Discuss the unique characteristics and appeal of each genre. Assign short readings from different genres for analysis.


Scheme of Work: Introduce students to the diversity of literary genres. Assign genre-specific readings and conduct group discussions. Encourage students to express preferences and reflect on the impact of different genres.


Week 3-4: Comparative Literature Analysis

Lesson Note: Focus on comparative analysis by examining works from different cultures or time periods. Discuss similarities and differences in themes, styles, and literary techniques. Assign paired readings for comparative essays.


Scheme of Work: Assign literature from different cultures or historical periods. Facilitate discussions on comparative analysis. Encourage students to explore cultural contexts and draw connections between diverse literary works.


Week 5-6: Author Spotlight

Lesson Note: Feature a specific author or literary movement. Dive into the author’s background, major works, and contributions to literature. Analyze selected excerpts or poems to understand the author’s unique style.


Scheme of Work: Select a prominent author or literary movement for in-depth study. Assign readings from the chosen author’s works. Organize presentations where students showcase their findings on the author’s life and impact on literature.


Week 7-8: Literary Criticism and Interpretation

Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of literary criticism, discussing various schools of thought. Explore different lenses for interpreting literature, such as feminist, psychoanalytic, or historical perspectives. Apply critical approaches to analyze a text.


Scheme of Work: Provide readings on literary criticism. Assign a text for analysis using different critical lenses. Facilitate discussions on how interpretations can vary based on the chosen approach.


Week 9-10: Creative Writing Workshop

Lesson Note: Shift focus to creative writing, exploring various forms such as short stories, poems, or personal essays. Conduct writing workshops, encouraging students to express themselves creatively. Provide constructive feedback on their writing.


Scheme of Work: Assign creative writing prompts for different genres. Organize peer-review sessions where students share and critique each other’s work. Emphasize the importance of revision and self-expression in creative writing.


Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Similar to the first term, dedicate this week to reviewing key concepts, literary terms, and texts covered in the second term. Conduct practice assessments and discussions to reinforce understanding.


Scheme of Work: Continue with revision activities, focusing on new concepts introduced during the second term. Offer additional support to students as needed and address any lingering questions or concerns.


Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer end-of-term examinations for the second term, covering the diverse topics and skills explored throughout the term.


Scheme of Work: Design varied exam formats, aligning questions with the learning objectives and content covered during the second term. Emphasize critical thinking and application of literary concepts in the examination.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Reflect on the achievements and challenges of the second term. Provide feedback on assessments and celebrate student progress. Discuss any upcoming literary events or projects for the next academic session.


Scheme of Work: Organize a brief class reflection session for the second term. Distribute report cards and acknowledge outstanding student contributions. Encourage students to continue their literary exploration during the break.

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