Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 First Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Week 1: Introduction to Food and Nutrition

Lesson Note:


Overview of Food and Nutrition as a subject.

Importance of understanding food choices.

Basic principles of a balanced diet.

Scheme of Work:


Introduction to syllabus and course objectives.

Class discussion on personal food preferences.

Week 2: Nutrients and their Functions

Lesson Note:


Explanation of macronutrients and micronutrients.

Functions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Scheme of Work:


Group activity: Identify different food sources for each nutrient.

Class discussion on the role of nutrients in maintaining health.

Week 3: Food Groups and Dietary Guidelines

Lesson Note:


Explanation of the five major food groups.

Introduction to dietary guidelines and recommended daily allowances.

Scheme of Work:


Design a balanced meal plan as a class activity.

Guest speaker: Nutritionist to discuss the importance of following dietary guidelines.

Week 4: Food Safety and Hygiene

Lesson Note:


Importance of food safety and hygiene.

Methods to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Scheme of Work:


Demonstration on proper food handling and storage.

Group project: Create a poster on food safety practices.

Week 5: Meal Planning and Preparation

Lesson Note:


Basics of meal planning for individuals and families.

Importance of involving different food groups in meals.

Scheme of Work:


Cooking class: Prepare a simple, balanced meal in groups.

Class discussion on the challenges of meal planning.

Week 6: Cooking Methods and Techniques

Lesson Note:


Various cooking methods and their impact on nutrient retention.

Healthy cooking techniques.

Scheme of Work:


Cooking demonstration: Compare the nutritional content of boiled, steamed, and fried foods.

Group activity: Create a healthy recipe booklet.

Week 7: Cultural Influences on Food Choices

Lesson Note:


How culture influences food preferences.

Importance of respecting diverse dietary practices.

Scheme of Work:


Class discussion: Share personal experiences with diverse cuisines.

Group presentation: Explore the dietary habits of different cultures.

Week 8: Special Dietary Needs

Lesson Note:


Understanding special dietary requirements (e.g., allergies, medical conditions).

Adapting meals for specific needs.

Scheme of Work:


Guest speaker: Dietician to discuss special dietary needs.

Case studies: Analyze and suggest suitable meal modifications.

Week 9: Food Preservation Techniques

Lesson Note:


Various methods of food preservation.

Benefits and drawbacks of different preservation techniques.

Scheme of Work:


Field trip: Visit a local food processing facility.

Group project: Create a presentation on the importance of food preservation.

Week 10: Global Perspectives on Food Security

Lesson Note:


Understanding food security issues worldwide.

Role of individuals and communities in promoting food security.

Scheme of Work:


Research project: Investigate a global food security challenge and propose solutions.

Class discussion on the impact of food choices on global food security.

Week 11: Revision Week



Review key concepts from previous weeks.

Q&A sessions for clarification on any topics.

Week 12: Examination Week



Written examination covering the entire term’s syllabus.

Practical examination: Demonstrate cooking and meal planning skills.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week



Recap of the term’s highlights.

Distribution of individual performance feedback.

Farewell and best wishes for the break.

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