Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

Jss1 Third Term Music Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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Jss1 Third Term Music Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Third Term: Week 1-2: Music and Storytelling


Lesson Note: Explore the connection between music and storytelling.

Activities: Have students listen to music that tells a story or conveys a narrative, and encourage them to create their own musical stories.

Week 3-4: World Music Appreciation


Lesson Note: Introduce students to music from different parts of the world.

Activities: Explore diverse musical traditions, instruments, and styles, and engage in hands-on activities like learning traditional dances.

Week 5-6: Music and Visual Arts Collaboration


Lesson Note: Collaborate with the art department to explore the intersection of music and visual arts.

Activities: Have students create artwork inspired by specific musical pieces and vice versa, fostering a cross-disciplinary approach to creativity.

Week 7-8: Music and Nature


Lesson Note: Explore the concept of music inspired by nature and natural sounds.

Activities: Take students on a nature walk, record sounds, and use them to create a collaborative nature-inspired musical composition.

Week 9-10: Music in Film and Media


Lesson Note: Discuss the role of music in enhancing film and media productions.

Activities: Analyze film scores, discuss the impact of music on mood in movies, and allow students to create their own short film soundtrack.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review key concepts covered in the term.

Activities: Conduct a thorough revision, addressing any areas of difficulty and reinforcing understanding through practical exercises.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Administer written and practical examinations covering the third term’s content.

Activities: Conduct exams, ensuring fair assessment of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the term.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Wrap up the academic year with a musical celebration and reflection.

Activities: Organize a final concert or presentation where students can showcase their favorite pieces from the entire year, providing a festive conclusion to the music curriculum.

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