Past Questions and Answers

JAMB Typewriting Past Questions and Answers

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JAMB Typewriting Past Questions and Answers


Typewriting-related questions:


Question: What is the standard typing speed measured in words per minute (WPM) for proficient typists?


A. 30 WPM

B. 50 WPM

C. 70 WPM

D. 100 WPM

Answer: C. 70 WPM


Question: In touch typing, what is the recommended posture for sitting at a typewriter or keyboard?


A. Hunched position

B. Leaning backward

C. Straight back and relaxed shoulders

D. Cross-legged

Answer: C. Straight back and relaxed shoulders


Question: What is the purpose of the home row keys in touch typing?


A. Provide a resting place for fingers

B. Activate special characters

C. Control the cursor

D. Increase typing speed

Answer: A. Provide a resting place for fingers


Question: Which typing technique involves using all fingers and keeping eyes on the copy material without looking at the keyboard?


A. Hunt and peck

B. Two-finger typing

C. Touch typing

D. Chicken pecking

Answer: C. Touch typing


Question: What is the purpose of the spacebar on a typewriter or keyboard?


A. Move the cursor to the beginning of a line

B. Insert a space between words

C. Delete characters to the left

D. Activate the shift key

Answer: B. Insert a space between words


Question: Which finger is typically responsible for pressing the Enter or Return key?


A. Index finger

B. Middle finger

C. Ring finger

D. Pinky finger

Answer: A. Index finger


Question: In touch typing, which finger is assigned to the letter “J” on the home row?


A. Index finger of the left hand

B. Middle finger of the left hand

C. Ring finger of the left hand

D. Pinky finger of the left hand

Answer: A. Index finger of the left hand


Question: What is the correct technique for using the Shift key in touch typing?


A. Hold it down continuously

B. Alternate between left and right Shift keys

C. Press it simultaneously with the letter key

D. Use it only for capitalizing letters

Answer: C. Press it simultaneously with the letter key


Question: In touch typing, what is the purpose of the backspace key?


A. Move the cursor to the beginning of a line

B. Delete characters to the right

C. Insert a space between words

D. Delete characters to the left

Answer: D. Delete characters to the left


Question: What is the correct finger placement for the letter “F” on the home row in touch typing?


A. Index finger of the left hand

B. Middle finger of the left hand

C. Ring finger of the left hand

D. Pinky finger of the left hand

Answer: B. Middle finger of the left hand


Question: Which typing technique involves using a limited number of fingers and visually locating each key before pressing?


A. Touch typing

B. Hunt and peck

C. Two-finger typing

D. Chicken pecking

Answer: B. Hunt and peck


Question: In touch typing, what is the purpose of the Tab key?


A. Move the cursor to the next line

B. Insert a tab character

C. Indent text

D. Delete characters to the right

Answer: C. Indent text


Question: Which finger is typically responsible for pressing the Caps Lock key?


A. Index finger

B. Middle finger

C. Ring finger

D. Pinky finger

Answer: D. Pinky finger


Question: What is the correct finger placement for the letter “K” on the home row in touch typing?


A. Index finger of the left hand

B. Middle finger of the left hand

C. Ring finger of the left hand

D. Pinky finger of the left hand

Answer: C. Ring finger of the left hand


Question: In touch typing, what is the function of the Ctrl key?


A. Capitalize letters

B. Control key combinations

C. Insert spaces between words

D. Move the cursor to the next line

Answer: B. Control key combinations


Question: What is the purpose of the Num Lock key on a keyboard?


A. Activate the numeric keypad

B. Turn off the keyboard

C. Insert a line break

D. Capitalize the next letter

Answer: A. Activate the numeric keypad


Question: What does the acronym “WPM” stand for in the context of typing speed?


A. Words Per Minute

B. Wrist Position Mastery

C. Word Processing Mode

D. Wrist Posture Measurement

Answer: A. Words Per Minute


Question: In touch typing, what is the purpose of the function keys (F1-F12)?


A. Insert special characters

B. Control key combinations

C. Navigate between tabs

D. Execute specific commands or functions

Answer: D. Execute specific commands or functions.

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