Past Questions and Answers

IRK Neco Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)

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IRK Neco Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)


Multiple-Choice Section

Which Islamic month involves fasting from sunrise to sunset as one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

a) Dhul-Hijjah

b) Sha’ban

c) Ramadan

d) Muharram

Correct Answer: c) Ramadan


What is the significance of Laylat al-Qadr in Islam?

a) Night of Ascension

b) Night of Power

c) Night of the Miraj

d) Night of the Isra

Correct Answer: b) Night of Power


In Islamic art, what geometric shape is often used to represent the infinite nature of Allah?

a) Square

b) Circle

c) Triangle

d) Hexagon

Correct Answer: b) Circle


Who is known as the “Mother of the Believers” in Islam?

a) Khadijah bint Khuwaylid

b) Aisha bint Abi Bakr

c) Fatimah bint Muhammad

d) Maryam bint Imran

Correct Answer: a) Khadijah bint Khuwaylid


What is the Islamic term for the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim must undertake at least once in their lifetime?

a) Umrah

b) Hajj

c) Tawaf

d) Sayee

Correct Answer: b) Hajj


Theory Section (Contd.):


Explore the historical context and impact of the Battle of Badr in early Islamic history.


Discuss the concept of Qadr (predestination) in Islam and its implications for human free will.


Analyze the role of mosques in Islamic communities, considering both their spiritual and communal functions.


Explain the concept of Ijtihad in Islamic jurisprudence and its relevance in contemporary times.


Explore the teachings of a specific Islamic scholar or philosopher and their contributions to Islamic thought.


Answers to Theory Section (Contd.):


The Battle of Badr, fought in 624 CE, marked a turning point for early Muslims against the Quraysh tribe. It had significant historical and strategic implications, solidifying the fledgling Muslim community.


Qadr refers to the divine concept of predestination in Islam. While Allah’s knowledge encompasses all events, human beings possess free will and are accountable for their actions, striking a balance between destiny and personal responsibility.


Mosques serve as central places of worship, education, and community gatherings in Islam. They promote spiritual growth, unity, and social interaction among Muslims.


Ijtihad is the independent reasoning in Islamic jurisprudence. It allows scholars to derive legal rulings when faced with new issues, adapting Islamic principles to contemporary challenges.


Select a prominent Islamic scholar, such as Ibn Taymiyyah or Al-Ghazali, and delve into their contributions to Islamic philosophy, theology, or jurisprudence, examining their enduring impact on Islamic thought.

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