Past Questions and Answers

Agricultural Science Neco Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)

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Agricultural Science Neco Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)

Multiple Choice Questions:


What is the primary function of chlorophyll in plants?


A. Respiration

B. Photosynthesis

C. Transpiration

D. Germination

Correct Answer: B

Which of the following is a leguminous crop?


A. Maize

B. Rice

C. Soybean

D. Wheat

Correct Answer: C

Which farming practice involves the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals on the same piece of land?


A. Monoculture

B. Mixed farming

C. Polyculture

D. Extensive farming

Correct Answer: B

What is the primary purpose of adding fertilizers to the soil?


A. Improve soil structure

B. Control pests

C. Provide nutrients to plants

D. Increase soil pH

Correct Answer: C

Which of the following is a method of weed control?


A. Irrigation

B. Mulching

C. Pruning

D. Threshing

Correct Answer: B

Which agricultural practice involves rotating different crops in the same field to enhance soil fertility?


A. Monoculture

B. Alley cropping

C. Crop rotation

D. Contour plowing

Correct Answer: C

What is the major function of the ovary in a flower?


A. Production of pollen

B. Protection of the flower

C. Formation of seeds

D. Attraction of pollinators

Correct Answer: C

In poultry farming, what is the term for the artificial incubation of eggs?


A. Brooding

B. Candling

C. Hatching

D. Culling

Correct Answer: C

Which farming practice involves growing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides?


A. Organic farming

B. Hydroponics

C. Aeroponics

D. Precision farming

Correct Answer: A

What is the primary purpose of a windbreak in agriculture?


A. Reduce soil erosion

B. Increase sunlight exposure

C. Control pests

D. Enhance irrigation

Correct Answer: A

Theory Section:


Explain the term ‘crop rotation’ and its significance in sustainable agriculture.


Discuss the importance of pollination in fruit production.


Describe the process of nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.


Examine the role of water in agricultural practices and the potential consequences of water scarcity on crops.


Elaborate on the benefits and challenges of adopting organic farming methods.


Remember to review these questions thoroughly, and good luck with your Agricultural Science exam!





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Certainly! Here’s an additional set of 20 WAEC Agricultural Science questions, including another theory section with 5 questions. Each multiple-choice question has four options, and the correct answer is highlighted.


Multiple Choice Questions (continued):


Which of the following is a root crop?


A. Tomato

B. Carrot

C. Cabbage

D. Spinach

Correct Answer: B

What is the primary purpose of the plough in agriculture?


A. Seed drilling

B. Weed control

C. Soil tillage

D. Irrigation

Correct Answer: C

In animal husbandry, what is the term for the process of selecting animals with desirable traits for breeding?


A. Grazing

B. Crossbreeding

C. Herding

D. Selective breeding

Correct Answer: D

Which of the following is a greenhouse gas emitted from agricultural activities?


A. Oxygen

B. Nitrous oxide

C. Carbon monoxide

D. Sulfur dioxide

Correct Answer: B

What is the purpose of a farm record in agricultural management?


A. Pest control

B. Financial planning

C. Crop rotation

D. Soil fertility

Correct Answer: B

Which farming practice involves growing different crops in alternating strips to prevent soil erosion?


A. Contour plowing

B. Terracing

C. Agroforestry

D. Intercropping

Correct Answer: A

What is the primary source of energy for photosynthesis in plants?


A. Carbon dioxide

B. Sunlight

C. Water

D. Oxygen

Correct Answer: B

In poultry farming, which vitamin deficiency can lead to conditions like rickets in birds?


A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin D

C. Vitamin E

D. Vitamin K

Correct Answer: B

What is the main advantage of drip irrigation over traditional methods of watering crops?


A. Reduced water wastage

B. Faster crop growth

C. Lower labor costs

D. Increased nutrient availability

Correct Answer: A

Which of the following is a method of post-harvest preservation for fruits and vegetables?


A. Irradiation

B. Fermentation

C. Tilling

D. Threshing

Correct Answer: A

Theory Section (continued):


Discuss the role of nitrogen in plant growth and how it can be effectively managed in agriculture.


Explain the concept of sustainable agriculture and its importance in modern farming practices.


Describe the impact of climate change on global agriculture and suggest adaptive strategies for farmers.


Discuss the challenges and benefits of genetically modified (GM) crops in the context of agricultural production.


Examine the role of government policies in promoting or hindering agricultural development in a country.

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