Past Questions and Answers

SS3 First Term HPE Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 First Term HPE Past Questions And Answers

This blog post presents 20 SS3 HPE questions, complete with options and answers, to help you assess and reinforce your knowledge. Let’s dive in!


1. Question:

What is the primary purpose of warm-up exercises before engaging in physical activity?


a) To cool down the body

b) To increase flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness

c) To elevate heart rate suddenly

d) To skip the main activity



b) To increase flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness


2. Question:

In the context of nutrition, which nutrient is the body’s primary source of energy?


a) Protein

b) Carbohydrates

c) Fats

d) Vitamins



b) Carbohydrates


3. Question:

What is the recommended frequency for engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic activities for overall health benefits?


a) Once a week

b) Three to four times a week

c) Daily

d) Twice a month



b) Three to four times a week


4. Question:

Which component of fitness is associated with the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system to supply oxygen to the body during sustained physical activity?


a) Muscular strength

b) Cardiovascular endurance

c) Flexibility

d) Body composition



b) Cardiovascular endurance


5. Question:

What is the purpose of a cool-down session after physical activity?


a) To abruptly stop the activity

b) To gradually reduce heart rate and prevent blood pooling

c) To increase adrenaline levels

d) To hydrate the body



b) To gradually reduce heart rate and prevent blood pooling


6. Question:

Which type of stretching involves slowly and gently moving a joint through its full range of motion?


a) Static stretching

b) Dynamic stretching

c) Ballistic stretching

d) PNF stretching



b) Dynamic stretching


7. Question:

What is the correct sequence of the FITT principle for designing an effective exercise program?


a) Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

b) Time, Intensity, Type, Frequency

c) Type, Time, Frequency, Intensity

d) Intensity, Type, Frequency, Time



a) Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type


8. Question:

Which of the following is an example of a moderate-intensity aerobic activity?


a) Sprinting

b) Brisk walking

c) Weightlifting

d) High-intensity interval training (HIIT)



b) Brisk walking


9. Question:

What is the recommended daily water intake for an average adult?


a) 2 liters

b) 4 liters

c) 8 glasses

d) Varies based on individual factors


Answer: d) Varies based on individual factors

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