Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Third Term: SS3 Literature in English


Week 1: Introduction to Third Term


Lesson Note: Recap the key learnings from the previous terms, emphasizing the cumulative understanding of literature.

Scheme of Work: Introduce the themes and literary movements to be explored during the final term.

Week 2-3: Modern Novel – ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Lesson Note: Dive into the magical realism and intricate narrative structure of Marquez’s masterpiece.

Scheme of Work: Organize a character analysis project, encouraging students to explore the symbolism and connections within the novel.

Week 4-5: Postcolonial Drama – ‘Death and the King’s Horseman’ by Wole Soyinka


Lesson Note: Analyze Soyinka’s play, exploring its themes of cultural clash and tragic consequences.

Scheme of Work: Facilitate a dramatic presentation or debate on the ethical dilemmas presented in the play.

Week 6-7: Poetry – Selected Works from Contemporary Poets


Lesson Note: Explore contemporary poets, discussing themes, styles, and the evolution of poetry.

Scheme of Work: Encourage students to create their anthology of contemporary poems, presenting and discussing their selections.

Week 8-9: Comparative Literature – Themes Across Genres


Lesson Note: Discuss common themes found in the literature studied throughout the year, fostering interdisciplinary connections.

Scheme of Work: Conduct a comparative essay assignment, requiring students to analyze how a theme is presented in different literary forms.

Week 10: Playwrights and Playwriting Workshop


Lesson Note: Introduce prominent playwrights and delve into the art of playwriting.

Scheme of Work: Engage students in a playwriting workshop, allowing them to create and perform short scenes or monologues.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review key concepts, themes, and literary devices covered in the third term.

Scheme of Work: Facilitate collaborative revision sessions, incorporating group discussions, peer teaching, and practice exams.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Prepare students for the final examination, focusing on critical analysis and application of literary theories across genres.

Scheme of Work: Administer a comprehensive examination covering all literature studied during the third term.

Week 13: Graduation and Farewell


Lesson Note: Celebrate the achievements of the academic year, highlighting literary accomplishments.

Scheme of Work: Organize a literary-themed graduation ceremony, featuring student presentations, awards, and a farewell address.

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