Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term HPE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term HPE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Third Term Health and Physical Education (HPE) from Week 1 to Week 13:


Week 1-2: Outdoor Recreation – Hiking and Camping


Lesson Objective: Introduce students to outdoor recreational activities and survival skills.


Hiking excursion to a nature trail.

Basic camping skills demonstration.

Team-building activities during camping.

Week 3-4: Martial Arts – Introduction to Karate


Lesson Objective: Explore the discipline and techniques of martial arts.


Introduction to basic karate stances and movements.

Karate drills for coordination and flexibility.

Self-defense techniques.

Week 5-6: Sports Psychology and Performance Enhancement


Lesson Objective: Understand the psychological aspects of sports and performance enhancement.


Guest lecture on sports psychology.

Visualization and relaxation techniques.

Goal-setting for improved sports performance.

Week 7-8: Team Sports – Basketball


Lesson Objective: Teach the rules and techniques of basketball.


Basketball drills focusing on dribbling, passing, and shooting.

Mini basketball matches.

Group discussions on sportsmanship.

Week 9-10: Health Education – Sexual and Reproductive Health


Lesson Objective: Address topics related to sexual and reproductive health.


Lectures on sexual and reproductive health.

Group discussions on responsible behavior.

Q&A session with a health professional.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Objective: Review and reinforce key concepts from the third term.


Interactive quizzes.

Group discussions on challenging topics.

Quick recap of practical skills.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Objective: Assess students’ understanding of the term’s content.


Written examination on theory.

Practical assessment of skills acquired during the term.

Individual reflection on personal progress.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Objective: Wrap up the academic year and encourage ongoing physical activity.


Reflection on the entire year’s activities.

Distribution of final progress reports.

Celebration of achievements with a sports day or exhibition.

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