SS3 Third Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
SS3 Third Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
SS3 Third Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Farm Planning and Management
Lesson: Principles of effective farm planning
Activity: Develop a comprehensive farm management plan for a given scenario
Week 2: Marketing Strategies in Animal Husbandry
Lesson: Exploring marketing avenues for livestock products
Activity: Create a marketing campaign for a specific animal product
Week 3: Animal Welfare and Ethics
Lesson: In-depth study of animal welfare standards
Activity: Debate on ethical issues related to animal husbandry practices
Week 4: Global Perspectives in Animal Farming
Lesson: Analyzing global trends and challenges in animal farming
Activity: Research and present on successful animal farming practices in other countries
Week 5: Entrepreneurship in Animal Husbandry
Lesson: Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in animal farming
Activity: Develop a business proposal for a unique animal-related enterprise
Week 6: Disaster Preparedness in Agriculture
Lesson: Strategies for protecting livestock during disasters
Activity: Create an emergency response plan for a hypothetical farm
Week 7: Animal Biotechnology
Lesson: Explore the role of biotechnology in animal husbandry
Activity: Discuss the ethical implications of genetic modification in animals
Week 8: Record Analysis and Decision Making
Lesson: Analyzing farm records for informed decision-making
Activity: Simulate decision-making scenarios based on farm data
Week 9: Alternative Livestock Production
Lesson: Introduce alternative livestock species for production
Activity: Plan and present a production model for an alternative livestock species
Week 10: Agro-tourism in Animal Farming
Lesson: Understanding the potential of agro-tourism in animal farms
Activity: Design a tour itinerary for visitors to a model animal farm
Week 11: Revision Week
Review key concepts from the third term
Conduct a comprehensive quiz on advanced topics in animal husbandry
Week 12: Examination Week
Administer a written examination covering the entire term’s syllabus
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap the term’s learnings
Provide resources for further reading during the break
Issue report cards and certificates for outstanding performance.