Past Questions and Answers

SS3 First Term Typewriting Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 First Term Typewriting Past Questions And Answers

Here are 5 SS3 Typewriting questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the standard word-per-minute (WPM) requirement for a proficient typist?


A. 20 WPM

B. 40 WPM

C. 60 WPM

D. 80 WPM

Answer: C. 60 WPM

Question: Which finger is responsible for typing the letter “A” in touch typing?


A. Index finger

B. Middle finger

C. Ring finger

D. Pinky finger

Answer: A. Index finger

Question: What does the term “Home Row” refer to in typing?


A. The starting point for a race

B. The central row of keys on a keyboard

C. A special key on the keyboard

D. The last row of keys on a keyboard

Answer: B. The central row of keys on a keyboard

Question: In touch typing, which hand is responsible for typing the letters on the right side of the keyboard?


A. Left hand

B. Right hand

C. Both hands equally

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Right hand

Question: What is the purpose of the “Shift” key on a keyboard?


A. Capitalizing letters

B. Adding a space

C. Deleting text

D. Changing font style

Answer: A. Capitalizing letters

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