Past Questions and Answers

SS3 First Term Economics Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 First Term Economics Past Questions And Answers

SS3 Economics questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the main function of the Central Bank in an economy?


a) Fiscal policy

b) Monetary policy

c) Trade policy

d) Industrial policy


Answer: b) Monetary policy


Question: In economics, what does GDP stand for?


a) General Domestic Product

b) Gross Domestic Profit

c) Gross Domestic Product

d) General Domestic Profit


Answer: c) Gross Domestic Product


Question: What is inflation?


a) Increase in the general level of prices

b) Decrease in the general level of prices

c) Stability in the general level of prices

d) Fluctuation in the general level of prices


Answer: a) Increase in the general level of prices


Question: Which market structure is characterized by a large number of sellers and buyers, homogeneous products, and free entry and exit?


a) Monopoly

b) Oligopoly

c) Perfect competition

d) Monopolistic competition


Answer: c) Perfect competition


Question: What is the opportunity cost of a decision?


a) The total cost of the decision

b) The direct cost of the decision

c) The value of the next best alternative foregone

d) The monetary cost of the decision


Answer: c) The value of the next best alternative foregone


Question: Which economic system is characterized by private ownership of the means of production and market-driven decision-making?


a) Capitalism

b) Socialism

c) Communism

d) Mixed economy


Answer: a) Capitalism


Question: What is the role of a trade deficit in a country’s economy?


a) It stimulates economic growth

b) It has no impact on the economy

c) It may lead to economic instability

d) It reduces unemployment


Answer: c) It may lead to economic instability


Question: Which factor of production includes all natural resources?


a) Labor

b) Capital

c) Entrepreneurship

d) Land


Answer: d) Land


Question: What is the Laffer Curve used to illustrate in economics?


a) Relationship between inflation and unemployment

b) Relationship between government spending and economic growth

c) Relationship between tax rates and government revenue

d) Relationship between interest rates and investment


Answer: c) Relationship between tax rates and government revenue


Question: What is the formula for calculating the unemployment rate?


a) (Number of unemployed / Labor force) x 100

b) (Number of employed / Labor force) x 100

c) (Labor force / Number of unemployed) x 100

d) (Number of unemployed / Number of employed) x 100


Answer: a) (Number of unemployed / Labor force) x 100


Question: Which organization serves as the lender of last resort for banks in the United States?


a) World Bank

b) International Monetary Fund

c) Federal Reserve

d) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Answer: c) Federal Reserve


Question: What is the law of diminishing marginal utility?


a) As consumption increases, total satisfaction decreases

b) As consumption increases, total satisfaction remains constant

c) As consumption increases, total satisfaction increases

d) As consumption increases, total satisfaction reaches a maximum


Answer: a) As consumption increases, total satisfaction decreases


Question: What is the purpose of a budget in economics?


a) To maximize profits

b) To allocate resources efficiently

c) To set prices in the market

d) To control inflation


Answer: b) To allocate resources efficiently


Question: What is a regressive tax?


a) Tax rate increases as income increases

b) Tax rate decreases as income increases

c) Same tax rate for all income levels

d) Tax rate is unrelated to income


Answer: b) Tax rate decreases as income increases


Question: Which economic indicator is used to measure the average change in prices of goods and services over time?


a) Unemployment rate

b) Consumer Price Index (CPI)

c) Gross Domestic

Product (GDP)

d) Exchange rate


Answer: b) Consumer Price Index (CPI)

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