SS3 First Term Data Processing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
SS3 First Term Data Processing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1-3: Introduction to Data Processing
Week 1: Overview of Data Processing, Importance, and Basic Concepts
Week 2: Types of Data, Data Collection Methods
Week 3: Data Presentation Techniques and Tools
Week 4-6: Data Storage and Retrieval
Week 4: Introduction to Databases, Database Management Systems
Week 5: Structured Query Language (SQL), Database Design
Week 6: Practical Session – Creating a Simple Database
Week 7-9: Data Analysis
Week 7: Introduction to Data Analysis, Types of Analysis
Week 8: Statistical Methods in Data Analysis
Week 9: Spreadsheet Applications for Data Analysis
Week 10: Data Security and Integrity
Understanding the importance of data security and integrity
Encryption methods, access control, and backup strategies
Week 11: Revision Week
Comprehensive review of all topics covered
Practice exercises and quizzes
Week 12: Examination Week
Conducting a written examination covering all aspects of the term’s syllabus
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Review of examination results
Final discussions, feedback, and preparation for the next term.