Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of work and lesson notes for SS1 Economics into the Second Term.


Second Term:


Week 1: Review of First Term Concepts


Lesson Note: Quick recap of fundamental concepts from the first term.

Activities: Group discussions, quiz on first term topics, and addressing any lingering questions.

Week 2: Consumer Behavior


Lesson Note: Understanding consumer choices, utility, and factors influencing demand.

Activities: Role-playing scenarios, analysis of consumer preferences, and case studies.

Week 3: Production and Cost


Lesson Note: Factors of production, types of production, and cost analysis.

Activities: Production simulation game, calculating costs for different production scenarios.

Week 4: Market Failures


Lesson Note: Externalities, public goods, and information asymmetry.

Activities: Group discussions on real-world examples of market failures, proposing solutions.

Week 5: Government and the Economy


Lesson Note: Role of government in the economy, fiscal and monetary policies.

Activities: Simulation of government economic policies, debating the impact of government intervention.

Week 6: Unemployment


Lesson Note: Types of unemployment, causes, and consequences.

Activities: Analyzing unemployment data, group projects on strategies to address unemployment.

Week 7: Economic Growth


Lesson Note: Factors contributing to economic growth, measurement, and challenges.

Activities: Research on historical economic growth periods, discussion on sustainable growth.

Week 8: Global Economic Issues


Lesson Note: Globalization, trade blocs, and economic challenges in a global context.

Activities: Model United Nations-style debates on global economic issues, research on trade blocs.

Week 9: Economic Policy and Development Planning


Lesson Note: Formulation and evaluation of economic policies, development planning.

Activities: Case studies on successful economic policies, group projects on development planning.

Week 10: Environmental Economics


Lesson Note: Economics of the environment, sustainable development.

Activities: Group discussions on the economic impact of environmental issues, proposals for sustainable practices.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Comprehensive review of all topics covered in the second term.

Activities: Practice tests, group discussions, and addressing any remaining questions.

Week 12: Examination Week


Conducting the final examination based on the term’s syllabus.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Final wrap-up, feedback session, and distribution of reports.

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