Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Yoruba Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Yoruba Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1 (Second Term): Yoruba Conversation Skills


Lesson Note: Emphasize practical conversation skills.

Scheme of Work: Expand vocabulary for everyday situations.

Activities: Role-playing real-life scenarios, conversational games.

Week 2: Yoruba Poetry and Rhymes


Lesson Note: Explore Yoruba poetic forms and rhymes.

Scheme of Work: Teach rhythm and meter in Yoruba poetry.

Activities: Create and recite Yoruba poems, rhyme competitions.

Week 3: Yoruba History and Legends


Lesson Note: Introduce historical events and Yoruba legends.

Scheme of Work: Discuss important figures and events.

Activities: Research projects, storytelling sessions.

Week 4: Yoruba Drama and Acting


Lesson Note: Incorporate drama and acting in Yoruba.

Scheme of Work: Develop short Yoruba scripts for performance.

Activities: Drama rehearsals, class play performance.

Week 5: Yoruba Geography


Lesson Note: Explore Yoruba geographical features.

Scheme of Work: Discuss Yoruba towns, landmarks, and geography.

Activities: Map drawing, geography quizzes.

Week 6: Yoruba Music and Dance


Lesson Note: Introduce traditional Yoruba music and dance.

Scheme of Work: Explore different Yoruba musical instruments.

Activities: Dance lessons, music instrument showcase.

Week 7: Yoruba Art and Craft


Lesson Note: Incorporate Yoruba artistic expressions.

Scheme of Work: Teach traditional Yoruba art and craft techniques.

Activities: Art projects, exhibition.

Week 8: Yoruba Health and Nutrition


Lesson Note: Discuss traditional Yoruba health practices.

Scheme of Work: Explore Yoruba herbal medicine and nutrition.

Activities: Guest speaker on Yoruba health, healthy cooking demo.

Week 9: Yoruba Environmental Studies


Lesson Note: Focus on Yoruba perspectives on the environment.

Scheme of Work: Discuss traditional environmental conservation.

Activities: Nature walk, environmental projects.

Week 10: Yoruba Technology Terms


Lesson Note: Introduce Yoruba terms related to technology.

Scheme of Work: Explore technology’s impact on Yoruba culture.

Activities: Tech-related vocabulary building, discussions.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review topics covered in the second term.

Scheme of Work: Address any gaps or areas needing clarification.

Activities: Interactive revision sessions, practice tests.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Administer a comprehensive second-term exam.

Scheme of Work: Assess understanding of all second-term topics.

Activities: Formal written exam, oral assessments.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Wrap up the academic year, celebrate achievements.

Scheme of Work: Reflect on overall progress and growth.

Activities: End-of-year festivities, awards ceremony, farewell.

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