Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Yoruba Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Yoruba Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work

Third Term

Week 1-2: Yoruba Folktales and Legends


Exploration of popular Yoruba folktales

Analysis of legendary figures in Yoruba culture

Creative storytelling: students create their own folktales

Week 3-4: Yoruba Contemporary Issues


Discussion on current social, political, and economic issues in Yoruba society

Analysis of how modernization impacts traditional Yoruba values

Critical thinking exercises: examining multiple perspectives on contemporary topics

Week 5-6: Yoruba Language in Media


Understanding the role of Yoruba language in contemporary media

Analysis of Yoruba language usage in films, music, and social media

Creative projects: students create a short media piece in Yoruba

Week 7-8: Yoruba Drama and Performing Arts


Introduction to traditional Yoruba drama forms

Role-playing and theatrical exercises in Yoruba language

Culminating event: students perform a short Yoruba play

Week 9-10: Yoruba Contributions to Arts and Sciences


Exploration of Yoruba achievements in arts and sciences

Research projects: students present on notable Yoruba personalities in various fields

Reflection on the impact of Yoruba contributions globally

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of topics covered in weeks 1-10

Practice exercises and quizzes

Clarification of doubts and questions

Week 12: Examination Week


Formal examination covering all topics

Evaluation of students’ understanding and application

Feedback and discussion on the exam

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s learning

Distribution of certificates or progress reports

Farewell and encouragement for continued learning during the break

Lesson Notes for Week 1 (Third Term)

Objective: Introduce students to Yoruba folktales and encourage creative storytelling.




Storytelling Session: Share and discuss popular Yoruba folktales.

Group Activity: Students collaborate to create their own Yoruba folktales.

Presentation: Students present their folktales to the class.

Reflection: Discuss the moral lessons conveyed in the folktales.

Customize these outlines based on your institution’s curriculum and the unique needs and abilities of your students.

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