Past Questions and Answers

SS1 Third Term Literature In English Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 Third Term Literature In English Past Questions And Answers

Here are the questions and answers

Question: Who is the protagonist in Sylvia Plath’s novel “The Bell Jar”?


A) Esther Greenwood

B) Charlotte Perkins

C) Sylvia Bell

D) Anne Sexton

Answer: A) Esther Greenwood

Question: What is the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez that follows the Buendía family over several generations?


A) One Hundred Years of Solitude

B) Love in the Time of Cholera

C) Chronicle of a Death Foretold

D) The Autumn of the Patriarch

Answer: A) One Hundred Years of Solitude

Question: In Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun,” what is the family’s dream that serves as a central theme?


A) Owning a bakery

B) Going on a vacation

C) Buying a house in a white neighborhood

D) Starting a school

Answer: C) Buying a house in a white neighborhood

Question: Who is the author of the novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”?


A) Ken Kesey

B) J.D. Salinger

C) Kurt Vonnegut

D) Joseph Heller

Answer: A) Ken Kesey

Question: What is the central theme of Chinua Achebe’s “Anthills of the Savannah”?


A) Post-colonial politics

B) Environmental conservation

C) Technological advancements

D) Interstellar travel

Answer: A) Post-colonial politics

Question: Who is the author of the play “Antigone”?


A) Sophocles

B) Aeschylus

C) Euripides

D) Aristophanes

Answer: A) Sophocles

Question: In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” which animal represents the working class?


A) Napoleon

B) Snowball

C) Boxer

D) Squealer

Answer: C) Boxer

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Color Purple”?


A) Toni Morrison

B) Alice Walker

C) Zora Neale Hurston

D) Maya Angelou

Answer: B) Alice Walker

Question: In William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies,” what does the conch symbolize?


A) Democracy

B) Authority and order

C) Savagery

D) Knowledge

Answer: B) Authority and order

Question: What is the central theme of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy?


A) Friendship and loyalty

B) Political intrigue

C) Time travel

D) Environmentalism

Answer: A) Friendship and loyalty

Question: Who is the author of the play “The Duchess of Malfi”?


A) Christopher Marlowe

B) Ben Jonson

C) John Webster

D) William Congreve

Answer: C) John Webster

Question: In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Tender Is the Night,” what is the occupation of the protagonist, Dick Diver?


A) Doctor

B) Writer

C) Lawyer

D) Pilot

Answer: A) Doctor

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Grapes of Wrath”?


A) John Steinbeck

B) Ernest Hemingway

C) Sinclair Lewis

D) F. Scott Fitzgerald

Answer: A) John Steinbeck

Question: What is the central theme of Charlotte Brontë’s novel “Jane Eyre”?


A) Gothic horror

B) Time travel

C) Social class and morality

D) War and peace

Answer: C) Social class and morality

Question: Who is the author of the play “Medea”?


A) Euripides

B) Aeschylus

C) Sophocles

D) Aristophanes

Answer: A) Euripides

Question: In George Orwell’s “1984,” what is the forbidden act that Winston Smith commits?


A) Reading

B) Writing

C) Speaking

D) Thinking rebellious thoughts

Answer: D) Thinking rebellious thoughts

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?


A) Oscar Wilde

B) Mary Shelley

C) Emily Brontë

D) Jane Austen

Answer: A) Oscar Wilde

Question: In Albert Camus’s “The Stranger,” what crime does the protagonist, Meursault, commit?


A) Murder

B) Theft

C) Fraud

D) Kidnapping

Answer: A) Murder

Question: What is the setting of Haruki Murakami’s novel “Norwegian Wood”?


A) Japan

B) United States

C) Italy

D) Brazil

Answer: A) Japan

Question: Who is the author of the play “The Importance o

f Being Earnest”?


A) Oscar Wilde

B) George Bernard Shaw

C) Samuel Beckett

D) James Joyce

Answer: A) Oscar Wilde

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