Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term HPE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term HPE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: SS1 HPE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Fitness and Wellness Assessment


Lesson: Conducting personal fitness assessments

Activity: Individual fitness testing and goal-setting exercises

Week 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing


Lesson: Understanding the importance of mental health

Activity: Mindfulness and stress-relief exercises

Week 3: Team Sports – Basketball


Lesson: Basic rules and skills of basketball

Activity: Basketball drills and friendly matches

Week 4: Individual Sports – Swimming


Lesson: Introduction to swimming and water safety

Activity: Swimming lessons at a local pool or simulated environment

Week 5: Gender and Inclusivity in Sports


Lesson: Promoting gender equality and inclusivity in sports

Activity: Group discussions and presentations on notable athletes breaking gender barriers

Week 6: Traditional and Indigenous Games


Lesson: Exploring traditional and indigenous sports

Activity: Participation in traditional games and cultural sports

Week 7: Substance Abuse Education


Lesson: Understanding the risks of substance abuse

Activity: Guest speaker session or documentary screening on substance abuse prevention

Week 8: Yoga and Flexibility Training


Lesson: Introduction to yoga for flexibility and mental wellness

Activity: Yoga sessions and relaxation techniques

Week 9: First Aid Training


Lesson: Basic first aid skills for sports injuries

Activity: Hands-on first aid demonstrations and simulations

Week 10: Outdoor Adventure – Rock Climbing


Lesson: Safety measures and techniques in rock climbing

Activity: Outdoor rock climbing expedition or indoor climbing wall experience

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson: Review of key concepts from the second term

Activity: Interactive quizzes and group discussions

Week 12: Examination Week


Conducting written and practical assessments based on the second term’s content

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Closing ceremony, reflections, and awards presentation for outstanding achievements.

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