Past Questions and Answers

Music Waec Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)

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Music Waec Past Questions And Answers (Objective and Theory)

Here are 20 questions covering various aspects of music, including a theory section with five questions. Let’s dive into the world of musical knowledge!


Multiple Choice Section:


Which of the following is a percussion instrument?

a) Violin

b) Flute

c) Drums

d) Trumpet

Answer: c) Drums


What is the primary function of the bass clef in sheet music?

a) Represents higher pitches

b) Indicates dynamic markings

c) Denotes lower pitches

d) Specifies tempo changes

Answer: c) Denotes lower pitches


In music notation, what does “pp” indicate?

a) Prestissimo

b) Piano

c) Pianissimo

d) Fortissimo

Answer: c) Pianissimo


Who is often referred to as the “King of Pop”?

a) Michael Jackson

b) Elvis Presley

c) Madonna

d) Prince

Answer: a) Michael Jackson


Which genre is characterized by its syncopated rhythm and improvisational style?

a) Jazz

b) Classical

c) Country

d) Rock

Answer: a) Jazz


Theory Section:


Define the term “melody” in music and provide an example.


Discuss the difference between major and minor scales, providing an example of each.


Explain the concept of harmony and how it is achieved in music.


Describe the role of the conductor in an orchestra and the importance of their gestures.


Analyze the structure of a typical sonata-allegro form, highlighting its key components.


True/False Section:


True or False: The saxophone is a member of the brass family.


True or False: Legato is a term used to indicate a smooth and connected style of playing.


True or False: The term “crescendo” instructs the musician to gradually decrease the volume.


True or False: A fermata indicates a brief pause or hold on a note or rest.


True or False: The key signature of a piece can change within the composition.


Matching Section:


Match the following composers with their respective musical eras:


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

a) Baroque


Ludwig van Beethoven

b) Classical


Johann Sebastian Bach

c) Romantic


Claude Debussy

d) Contemporary


John Williams

e) Impressionist




c) Drums

c) Denotes lower pitches

c) Pianissimo

a) Michael Jackson

a) Jazz

A melody is a sequence of single pitches that form a musical line. An example is the opening theme of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5.

Major scales have a happy and bright sound, while minor scales evoke a sadder mood. An example of a major scale is C Major, and a minor scale example is A Minor.

Harmony involves the simultaneous combination of different musical notes to create chords and support the melody.

The conductor leads the orchestra, indicating tempo, dynamics, and entrances using hand gestures and expressions.

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