Past Questions and Answers

Jss3 First Term CRS Past Questions And Answers

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Jss3 first term CRS past questions and answers

Here are 20 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) questions for Junior Secondary School 3 (JSS3) with options and answers:


Question: Who was the first man created by God?


A. Adam

B. Noah

C. Abraham

D. Moses

Answer: A. Adam

Question: What is the first book of the New Testament?


A. Genesis

B. Exodus

C. Matthew

D. Mark

Answer: C. Matthew

Question: In Christianity, what event is celebrated on Easter Sunday?


A. Birth of Jesus

B. Crucifixion of Jesus

C. Resurrection of Jesus

D. Ascension of Jesus

Answer: C. Resurrection of Jesus

Question: Who is known as the “Father of Faith” in the Bible?


A. Moses

B. Abraham

C. David

D. Solomon

Answer: B. Abraham

Question: What is the central message of the Ten Commandments?


A. Love your neighbor

B. Worship other gods

C. Honor your parents

D. Covet your neighbor’s possessions

Answer: A. Love your neighbor

Question: Which river did John the Baptist baptize Jesus in?


A. Nile

B. Euphrates

C. Jordan

D. Tigris

Answer: C. Jordan

Question: Who betrayed Jesus before his crucifixion?


A. James

B. Peter

C. Judas Iscariot

D. Thomas

Answer: C. Judas Iscariot

Question: What is the last book of the Bible?


A. Revelation

B. Jude

C. Daniel

D. Ezekiel

Answer: A. Revelation

Question: In the Bible, who was swallowed by a big fish?


A. Jonah

B. Job

C. Daniel

D. Jeremiah

Answer: A. Jonah

Question: What is the Golden Rule as taught by Jesus?


A. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

B. Love your enemies.

C. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

D. Blessed are the peacemakers.

Answer: A. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Question: Who wrote most of the Psalms in the Bible?


A. Moses

B. David

C. Solomon

D. Isaiah

Answer: B. David

Question: What is the significance of the burning bush in the Bible?


A. God’s covenant with Abraham

B. Moses’ call to leadership

C. Elijah’s victory over the prophets of Baal

D. David’s anointing as king

Answer: B. Moses’ call to leadership

Question: Which disciple famously doubted the resurrection of Jesus until he saw and touched his wounds?


A. Peter

B. Andrew

C. Thomas

D. James

Answer: C. Thomas

Question: What is the first commandment given to Moses on Mount Sinai?


A. You shall not murder.

B. You shall not steal.

C. You shall have no other gods before me.

D. Honor your father and mother.

Answer: C. You shall have no other gods before me.

Question: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who helped the wounded man on the roadside?


A. Priest

B. Levite

C. Samaritan

D. Pharisee

Answer: C. Samaritan

Question: What event is celebrated on Pentecost in Christianity?


A. Jesus’ birth

B. Resurrection of Jesus

C. Descent of the Holy Spirit

D. Last Supper

Answer: C. Descent of the Holy Spirit

Question: Which Old Testament character is known for his wisdom and authored many Proverbs?


A. Solomon

B. David

C. Isaiah

D. Jeremiah

Answer: A. Solomon

Question: What is the primary theme of the book of Job in the Bible?


A. Wisdom

B. Suffering and God’s justice

C. Covenant and law

D. Redemption

Answer: B. Suffering and God’s justice

Question: Who was the mother of John the Baptist?


A. Mary

B. Elizabeth

C. Anna

D. Rachel

Answer: B. Elizabeth

Question: What is the Christian belief about the nature of Jesus Christ?


A. Fully divine and not human

B. Fully human and not divine

C. Both fully divine and fully human

D. Neither divine nor human

Answer: C. Both fully divine and fully human

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