Past Questions and Answers

Jss2 Third Term Computer Studies Past Questions And Answers

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Jss2 third term computer studies past questions and answers

Question: What is the purpose of a modem in networking?


A) Data encryption

B) Modulation and demodulation of signals

C) Graphic design

D) File storage

Answer: B) Modulation and demodulation of signals

Question: Which type of software is designed to perform routine tasks like file management and disk maintenance?


A) Application software

B) Utility software

C) System software

D) Network software

Answer: B) Utility software

Question: What is the primary function of a firewall in computer security?


A) Malware detection

B) Network protection

C) File compression

D) System optimization

Answer: B) Network protection

Question: In web development, what does CSS stand for?


A) Computer Style Sheet

B) Cascading Style Sheet

C) Central Style Sheet

D) Creative Style Sheet

Answer: B) Cascading Style Sheet

Question: Which of the following is an example of a database management system?


A) Microsoft Excel

B) Microsoft Access

C) Adobe Photoshop

D) Notepad

Answer: B) Microsoft Access

Question: What is the purpose of an input device in a computer system?


A) Display information

B) Accept data into the computer system

C) Print documents

D) Store data

Answer: B) Accept data into the computer system

Question: Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile applications on the Android platform?


A) Swift

B) Java

C) Python

D) C++

Answer: B) Java

Question: What is the function of an application software?


A) Manage system resources

B) Run the computer hardware

C) Perform specific tasks for the user

D) Translate high-level code

Answer: C) Perform specific tasks for the user

Question: What does the acronym HTTP stand for in web addresses?


A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

B) High-level Text Protocol

C) Hyperlink and Text Protocol

D) Hypertext and Transfer Protocol

Answer: A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Question: Which of the following is an example of volatile memory?


A) Hard disk drive

B) RAM (Random Access Memory)

C) Flash drive


Answer: B) RAM (Random Access Memory)

Question: What is the role of an operating system in a computer?


A) Perform mathematical calculations

B) Manage hardware resources and provide user interface

C) Create graphics

D) Edit images

Answer: B) Manage hardware resources and provide user interface

Question: What is the purpose of the Ctrl + P keyboard shortcut?


A) Paste

B) Print

C) Cut

D) Save

Answer: B) Print

Question: Which of the following is an example of non-volatile storage?


A) RAM (Random Access Memory)

B) Hard disk drive

C) Flash drive

D) Cache memory

Answer: B) Hard disk drive

Question: In networking, what does LAN stand for?


A) Local Area Network

B) Long-range Area Network

C) Limited Access Network

D) Large Area Network

Answer: A) Local Area Network

Question: What is the function of a CPU (Central Processing Unit) in a computer?


A) Manage files

B) Execute program instructions

C) Print documents

D) Connect to the internet

Answer: B) Execute program instructions

Question: Which programming language is known for its use in artificial intelligence and machine learning?


A) Java

B) Python

C) C++

D) Ruby

Answer: B) Python

Question: What is the purpose of a network router?


A) Connect devices within a local area network

B) Create graphics

C) Edit images

D) Manage system resources

Answer: A) Connect devices within a local area network

Question: What does GUI stand for in computing?


A) Graphic User Interface

B) General User Interaction

C) Global User Interface

D) General User Instruction

Answer: A) Graphic User Interface

Question: Which file extension is associated with a spreadsheet file?


A) .xls

B) .docx

C) .png

D) .mp3

Answer: A) .xls

Question: What is the function of a DNS (Domain Name System) in networking?


A) Translate domain names to IP addresse


B) Manage system resources

C) Create animations

D) Edit images

Answer: A) Translate domain names to IP addresses

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