Past Questions and Answers

Jss2 First Term Computers Studies Past Questions And Answers

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Jss2 first term computer studies past questions and answers

Question: What is the primary purpose of food preservation?


A) Enhancing flavor

B) Extending shelf life

C) Increasing nutritional value

D) Improving texture

Answer: B) Extending shelf life

Question: Which cooking method involves immersing food in a liquid at a low temperature for an extended period?


A) Grilling

B) Roasting

C) Steaming

D) Simmering

Answer: D) Simmering

Question: In sewing, what is the purpose of a backstitch?


A) Decorative finish

B) Reinforcing seams

C) Creating gathers

D) Hemming edges

Answer: B) Reinforcing seams

Question: What is the primary function of vitamins in the human body?


A) Providing energy

B) Building muscle

C) Regulating bodily functions

D) Supporting bone health

Answer: C) Regulating bodily functions

Question: When planning a balanced diet, what food group should be consumed in the largest quantity?


A) Proteins

B) Fruits and Vegetables

C) Grains

D) Dairy

Answer: C) Grains

Question: What is the significance of proper handwashing in food preparation?


A) Enhances food flavor

B) Prevents the spread of bacteria

C) Speeds up cooking time

D) Improves food texture

Answer: B) Prevents the spread of bacteria

Question: Which kitchen tool is commonly used for measuring liquid ingredients?


A) Measuring cups

B) Kitchen scale

C) Measuring spoons

D) Liquid measuring cup

Answer: D) Liquid measuring cup

Question: In textiles, what is the purpose of a seam allowance?


A) Provides space for buttons

B) Adds decorative elements

C) Secures fabric edges

D) Allows for adjustment

Answer: C) Secures fabric edges

Question: What is the main function of carbohydrates in the body?


A) Building muscles

B) Providing energy

C) Regulating hormones

D) Supporting immune function

Answer: B) Providing energy

Question: Which cooking method involves surrounding food with dry heat in an enclosed environment?


A) Frying

B) Baking

C) Boiling

D) Sauteing

Answer: B) Baking

Question: When handling sharp objects in the kitchen, what is the recommended safety practice?


A) Hold the knife with a loose grip

B) Cut towards yourself for better control

C) Keep knives sharp for precision

D) Ignore safety gloves

Answer: C) Keep knives sharp for precision

Question: What is the purpose of a seam ripper in sewing?


A) Adding decorative stitches

B) Removing unwanted stitches

C) Hemming fabric

D) Creating gathers

Answer: B) Removing unwanted stitches

Question: Which nutrient is essential for the formation and repair of tissues in the body?


A) Proteins

B) Vitamins

C) Minerals

D) Fats

Answer: A) Proteins

Question: How does the use of too much salt in cooking affect health?


A) Enhances flavor

B) Promotes hydration

C) Raises blood pressure

D) Supports digestion

Answer: C) Raises blood pressure

Question: What is the primary purpose of ironing in garment care?


A) Adding a fresh scent

B) Removing wrinkles

C) Adding shine to fabric

D) Preventing color fading

Answer: B) Removing wrinkles

Question: Which sewing stitch is commonly used for attaching two pieces of fabric with edges butting against each other?


A) Zigzag stitch

B) Running stitch

C) Backstitch

D) Overlock stitch

Answer: C) Backstitch

Question: Why is it important to follow a recipe accurately in cooking?


A) Allows for creativity

B) Ensures consistent results

C) Speeds up cooking time

D) Reduces the need for measuring

Answer: B) Ensures consistent results

Question: What is the primary purpose of a rotary cutter in sewing?


A) Hemming fabric

B) Trimming excess fabric

C) Creating decorative edges

D) Cutting fabric with precision

Answer: D) Cutting fabric with precision

Question: Which nutrient is essential for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth?


A) Calcium

B) Vitamin C

C) Iron

D) Fiber

Answer: A) Calcium

Question: What is the purpose of a marinade in cooking?


A) Adds color to the dish

B) Enhances


C) Tenderizes meat and adds flavor

D) Reduces cooking time

Answer: C) Tenderizes meat and adds flavor

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