
Jss1 Second Term CRS Past Questions And Answers

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Jss1 second term CRS past questions and answers

Question: Who was the first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel?

A) Saul

B) David

C) Solomon

D) Josiah

Answer: A) Saul

Question: What event is celebrated on Pentecost in Christianity?


A) Resurrection of Jesus

B) Ascension of Jesus

C) Descent of the Holy Spirit

D) Birth of Jesus

Answer: C) Descent of the Holy Spirit

Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his strength and defeating a lion with his bare hands?


A) David

B) Solomon

C) Samson

D) Elijah

Answer: C) Samson

Question: In the Bible, who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh in Egypt?


A) Joseph

B) Daniel

C) Moses

D) Isaiah

Answer: A) Joseph

Question: What is the Christian term for the act of formally admitting individuals into the church?


A) Baptism

B) Confirmation

C) Eucharist

D) Ordination

Answer: B) Confirmation

Question: Which gospel is believed to have been written by a physician in the New Testament?


A) Matthew

B) Mark

C) Luke

D) John

Answer: C) Luke

Question: What is the Christian sacrament involving the anointing with oil, often administered to the sick or dying?


A) Baptism

B) Confirmation

C) Anointing of the Sick

D) Marriage

Answer: C) Anointing of the Sick

Question: Who is considered the last and greatest prophet in Christianity, preparing the way for Jesus?


A) Isaiah

B) Malachi

C) John the Baptist

D) Jeremiah

Answer: C) John the Baptist

Question: What is the Christian term for the period of joyful expectation and preparation before Christmas?


A) Lent

B) Advent

C) Easter

D) Pentecost

Answer: B) Advent

Question: In the New Testament, who was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus after encountering a bright light?


A) Peter

B) James

C) Paul

D) John

Answer: C) Paul

Question: What is the Christian term for the practice of seeking God’s guidance through prayer and reflection?


A) Meditation

B) Confession

C) Penance

D) Intercession

Answer: A) Meditation

Question: According to the Bible, who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?


A) Abraham

B) Moses

C) Joshua

D) Samuel

Answer: B) Moses

Question: Which Old Testament prophet is known for his vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life?


A) Ezekiel

B) Isaiah

C) Jeremiah

D) Daniel

Answer: A) Ezekiel

Question: What is the Christian term for the declaration of forgiveness of sins by a priest or minister?


A) Absolution

B) Benediction

C) Communion

D) Sanctification

Answer: A) Absolution

Question: In the Bible, who was chosen by God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after the death of Moses?


A) Aaron

B) Joshua

C) Caleb

D) Gideon

Answer: B) Joshua

Question: What is the Christian sacrament involving the immersion in water, symbolizing purification and rebirth?


A) Confirmation

B) Eucharist

C) Baptism

D) Matrimony

Answer: C) Baptism

Question: Which book in the New Testament contains teachings and letters written by the apostle Paul?


A) Acts

B) Romans

C) Corinthians

D) Ephesians

Answer: C) Corinthians

Question: According to the Bible, what did God provide as a guide for the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness?


A) Ark of the Covenant

B) Tabernacle

C) Ten Commandments

D) Burning bush

Answer: A) Ark of the Covenant

Question: What is the Christian term for the act of recalling the suffering and death of Jesus, often done during Holy Week?


A) Communion

B) Stations of the Cross

C) Rosary

D) Benediction

Answer: B) Stations of the Cross

Question: In the New Testament, who is known for his dramatic conversion from persecuting Christians to becoming a prominent apostle?


A) Peter

B) James

C) Paul

D) John

Answer: C) Paul

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