
Jss1 First Term CRS Past Questions And Answers

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Jss1 first term CRS past questions and answers

Here are 20 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) questions for Junior Secondary School 1 (JSS1) with options and answers:

Question: Who was the first man created according to the Bible?


A) Adam

B) Noah

C) Abraham

D) Moses

Answer: A) Adam

Question: What is the significance of the Ten Commandments in Christianity?


A) Guidelines for prayer

B) Rules for fasting

C) Moral principles

D) Ritual instructions

Answer: C) Moral principles

Question: Which disciple of Jesus is known as the “doubting Thomas”?


A) Peter

B) James

C) Andrew

D) Thomas

Answer: D) Thomas

Question: In the Bible, who is known for building the ark to survive the great flood?


A) Abraham

B) Noah

C) David

D) Solomon

Answer: B) Noah

Question: What event does the Christian celebration of Easter commemorate?


A) Birth of Jesus

B) Crucifixion of Jesus

C) Resurrection of Jesus

D) Ascension of Jesus

Answer: C) Resurrection of Jesus

Question: Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver?


A) Peter

B) Judas Iscariot

C) James

D) John

Answer: B) Judas Iscariot

Question: What is the central teaching of the parable of the Good Samaritan?


A) Love your enemies

B) Compassion for neighbors

C) Humility in prayer

D) Faith in miracles

Answer: B) Compassion for neighbors

Question: What is the first book of the New Testament?


A) Genesis

B) Exodus

C) Matthew

D) Mark

Answer: C) Matthew

Question: Who is considered the father of faith in the Bible?


A) Moses

B) Abraham

C) Isaac

D) Jacob

Answer: B) Abraham

Question: In Christianity, what sacrament involves the sharing of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus?


A) Baptism

B) Confirmation

C) Eucharist

D) Reconciliation

Answer: C) Eucharist

Question: Which angel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary?


A) Gabriel

B) Michael

C) Raphael

D) Uriel

Answer: A) Gabriel

Question: What is the Christian term for the second coming of Jesus?


A) Ascension

B) Rapture

C) Pentecost

D) Epiphany

Answer: B) Rapture

Question: What is the Holy Book of Christianity?


A) Torah

B) Bible

C) Quran

D) Vedas

Answer: B) Bible

Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his wisdom and authored the Book of Proverbs?


A) Solomon

B) David

C) Isaiah

D) Jeremiah

Answer: A) Solomon

Question: What is the Christian belief in one God called?


A) Polytheism

B) Monotheism

C) Pantheism

D) Atheism

Answer: B) Monotheism

Question: Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?


A) John the Baptist

B) Peter

C) James

D) Andrew

Answer: A) John the Baptist

Question: What is the Christian term for the act of confessing sins and seeking forgiveness?


A) Prayer

B) Penance

C) Meditation

D) Communion

Answer: B) Penance

Question: In Christianity, what is the period of fasting and penance before Easter called?


A) Advent

B) Lent

C) Pentecost

D) Epiphany

Answer: B) Lent

Question: Who is known as the “apostle to the Gentiles” in the New Testament?


A) Peter

B) James

C) Paul

D) John

Answer: C) Paul

Question: What is the Christian term for the day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus?


A) Good Friday

B) Easter Sunday

C) Palm Sunday

D) Ash Wednesday

Answer: A) Good Friday

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