Past Questions and Answers

JAMB CRK Past Questions and Answers

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JAMB CRK Past Questions and Answers


Question: In Christianity, who is considered the central figure and foundation of faith?


A. Moses

B. Jesus Christ

C. Muhammad

D. Buddha

Answer: B. Jesus Christ


Question: Which Christian holiday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ?


A. Christmas

B. Easter

C. Pentecost

D. Epiphany

Answer: B. Easter


Question: What is the Christian term for the belief in the existence of one God?


A. Monotheism

B. Polytheism

C. Pantheism

D. Atheism

Answer: A. Monotheism


Question: In the Bible, which book contains the Ten Commandments?


A. Genesis

B. Exodus

C. Leviticus

D. Numbers

Answer: B. Exodus


Question: What is the Christian sacrament symbolizing spiritual cleansing and rebirth?


A. Holy Communion

B. Baptism

C. Confirmation

D. Penance

Answer: B. Baptism


Question: According to the New Testament, who wrote the majority of the Epistles (letters) in the Bible?


A. Peter

B. James

C. Paul

D. John

Answer: C. Paul


Question: In Christianity, what is the holy book containing the Old and New Testaments?


A. Quran

B. Vedas

C. Tripitaka

D. Bible

Answer: D. Bible


Question: What is the Christian term for the concept of God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?


A. Monotheism

B. Trinity

C. Dualism

D. Polytheism

Answer: B. Trinity


Question: In the Bible, who is known for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?


A. Moses

B. Abraham

C. Joshua

D. Solomon

Answer: A. Moses


Question: Which Christian denomination emphasizes the authority of the Pope and is centered in Vatican City?


A. Protestantism

B. Eastern Orthodoxy

C. Anglicanism

D. Roman Catholicism

Answer: D. Roman Catholicism


Question: What is the Christian term for the final judgment of all souls, determining their eternal fate?


A. Rapture

B. Apocalypse

C. Resurrection

D. Last Judgment

Answer: D. Last Judgment


Question: In Christianity, what is the significance of the miracle at Cana?


A. Healing of the blind man

B. Feeding of the 5,000

C. Turning water into wine

D. Raising Lazarus from the dead

Answer: C. Turning water into wine


Question: Which biblical figure is known for his unwavering faith and sacrifice of his son Isaac?


A. Moses

B. Abraham

C. Jacob

D. David

Answer: B. Abraham


Question: In the New Testament, who is traditionally regarded as the first martyr for the Christian faith?


A. Stephen

B. James the Greater

C. Paul

D. John the Baptist

Answer: A. Stephen


Question: What is the Christian term for the act of sharing bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s Last Supper?


A. Communion

B. Eucharist

C. Sacrament

D. Liturgy

Answer: B. Eucharist


Question: In Christianity, who is considered the precursor to Jesus Christ and baptized him in the Jordan River?


A. Elijah

B. John the Baptist

C. Jeremiah

D. Isaiah

Answer: B. John the Baptist


Question: What is the Christian term for the act of seeking forgiveness for sins and expressing remorse?


A. Redemption

B. Repentance

C. Atonement

D. Penance

Answer: B. Repentance


Question: According to Christian belief, what event is commemorated on Good Friday?


A. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ

B. The resurrection of Jesus Christ

C. The birth of Jesus Christ

D. The baptism of Jesus Christ

Answer: A. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ


Question: In the Bible, who is known for defeating the giant Goliath with a sling and a stone?


A. Joshua

B. David

C. Solomon

D. Samuel

Answer: B. David


Question: What is the Christian term for the period of fasting and penitence leading up to Easter?


A. Lent

B. Advent

C. Pentecost

D. Epiphany

Answer: A. Lent


Question: In the New Testament, who is known for his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus?


A. Peter

B. James

C. Paul

D. John

Answer: C. Paul


Question: Which Christian denomination traces its roots to the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther?


A. Anglicanism

B. Lutheranism

C. Calvinism

D. Presbyterianism

Answer: B. Lutheranism


Question: According to the Bible, which woman was known for her loyalty and commitment to her mother-in-law Naomi?


A. Ruth

B. Esther

C. Mary Magdalene

D. Sarah

Answer: A. Ruth.

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