Past Questions and Answers

SS3 First Term Auto Mechanic Past Questions and Answers (Objective and Theory)

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SS3 First Term Auto Mechanic Past Questions and Answers (Objective and Theory)


Section A: Multiple Choice Questions


Question: What is the primary function of an alternator in a vehicle?


A) Ignition

B) Battery charging

C) Fuel injection

D) Exhaust control

Answer: B) Battery charging


Question: Which tool is commonly used to measure engine compression?


A) Tachometer

B) Multimeter

C) Compression gauge

D) Torque wrench

Answer: C) Compression gauge


Question: In a manual transmission, what is the purpose of the clutch?


A) Engine cooling

B) Gear shifting

C) Brake control

D) Fuel injection

Answer: B) Gear shifting


Question: What does ABS stand for in the context of automotive systems?


A) Advanced Brake System

B) Anti-Lock Braking System

C) Automatic Brake System

D) Accelerated Braking Solution

Answer: B) Anti-Lock Braking System


Question: Which engine component is responsible for regulating the air-fuel mixture?


A) Carburetor

B) Piston

C) Spark plug

D) Camshaft

Answer: A) Carburetor


Section B: Theory Questions


Question: Explain the purpose of a catalytic converter in a vehicle exhaust system.


Answer: A catalytic converter reduces the emission of harmful gases by converting them into less harmful substances through chemical reactions.


Question: Describe the role of a timing belt in an internal combustion engine.


Answer: The timing belt synchronizes the rotation of the engine’s camshaft and crankshaft, ensuring proper timing of the opening and closing of engine valves.


Question: Discuss the importance of regular oil changes in maintaining a vehicle’s engine.


Answer: Regular oil changes help lubricate engine components, prevent friction and wear, and ensure efficient heat dispersion, prolonging the engine’s life.


Question: Differentiate between front-wheel drive (FWD) and rear-wheel drive (RWD) vehicle configurations.


Answer: In FWD, the front wheels provide power and control, while in RWD, the rear wheels are responsible for propulsion, offering different handling characteristics.


Question: Explain the function of a differential in a vehicle’s drivetrain.


Answer: The differential distributes torque between wheels, allowing them to rotate at different speeds during turns, preventing wheel slippage and enhancing stability.

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