Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

Jss3 Second Term Creative Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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Jss3 Second Term Creative Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: JSS3 Creative Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-3: Visual Arts – Advanced Drawing and Painting Techniques

Lesson Note:


Build on basic drawing skills with more advanced techniques.

Explore various painting styles and mediums.

Introduce art history with a focus on famous painters.



Visual Arts: Still-life drawing and landscape painting.

Music: Create compositions inspired by visual art.

Drama: Incorporate advanced visual elements into short plays.

Week 4-6: Music – Exploring Different Genres

Lesson Note:


Dive into various music genres and their characteristics.

Introduce music production and technology.

Encourage students to identify instruments used in different genres.



Visual Arts: Create visual representations of different music genres.

Music: Explore hands-on music production and collaboration.

Drama: Create short plays inspired by specific music genres.

Week 7-9: Drama – Theatrical Production

Lesson Note:


Teach advanced acting techniques and stagecraft.

Guide students in scriptwriting for a theatrical production.

Organize auditions and assign roles for the production.



Visual Arts: Design props and costumes for the theatrical production.

Music: Compose and select music for the production.

Drama: Rehearse and perform the theatrical production.

Week 10-11: Integration Week – Collaborative Projects

Lesson Note:


Facilitate collaborative projects combining visual arts, music, and drama.

Encourage interdisciplinary creativity and teamwork.

Showcase the projects to the school community.



Visual Arts: Collaborative mural or installation.

Music: Group composition or performance.

Drama: Collaborative storytelling or improvisational performance.

Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note:


Review all concepts covered in the second term.

Provide practice questions and revision materials.

Administer a comprehensive examination covering Visual Arts, Music, and Drama.



Visual Arts: Revision of advanced drawing and painting techniques.

Music: Review different music genres and production skills.

Drama: Reflect on theatrical production and practice exam scenarios.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note:


Reflect on the achievements of the term.

Showcase collaborative projects to parents and the school community.

Assign creative projects for students to work on during the break.



Visual Arts: Exhibition of collaborative projects.

Music: Final musical performance or presentation.

Drama: Highlights and reflections on the theatrical production.

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